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Interesting thread, but I cannot believe it has gotten this much play, as it is really a simple issue. Playing high school sports is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, if you want to avail yourself of the privilege of being on the baseball team, you will conform to the rules established to be a member of the team. If you don't want to conform, no problem, DON'T BE ON THE TEAM! Simple as that.

I don't think the young man in question wants to be on the team, or even keep playing baseball past his travel team time. If he did, he'd learn a lesson taht thousands of college players know, which is that no matter how much you may disagree with the coaches rules, you'll abide by them if you want to stay in the program. High school really isn't different.
I'm jumping in a little late, I've been away from my computer today. Strange topic, I never thought I'd see so many responses regarding the length of hair? But I'm blown away that a School Board would step in and over-rule a Head Baseball Coach? If the kid really wants to play, he'll cut his hair just like the other players on the roster. If he doesn't care about playing, he shouldn't cut his hair.

I read the numerous threads on HSBBW and I always tend to pay closer attention to certain members (Old Timers), as I'm sure other do. If Coach May runs his program as well as the advice that he gives on this site, I'd venture to say that his baseball team's are pretty successful annually!
Definitely an interesting thread...Our son's HS coach has about the same approach as Coach May...and his seniors make sure the underclass knows what he expects as part of the team (Varsity or JV)...Hair better be neat and reasonably short...My son's freshman year the coach was kidding one of the seniors about his hair, knowing the kid would be trimming it before the season. He also joked about my son's hair, telling him he needed a trim too. My son's hair has basically never been any longer than a #3 buzz (his choice), but he made sure to get the #2 before tryouts started. He did the same last year by his choice and I'm sure it is coming this year too! He's got a touch of facial hair and has already said he's leaving it until right before tryouts.

I'm a bit confused as to how you're going to show your son the thread to get his reaction AND not let him know about the school board thing...

My younger son likes his hair long and probably would choose not to cut or trim it for years in a row if we didn't make him keep it reasonably neat. And, he has always requested a good buzz before baseball season...

I'm not sure if I'd MAKE him cut his hair, but I certainly would discuss it with him and allow him to make a choice between a hair cut and playing baseball (not just HS). I like the idea of getting involved with St. Baldrick's if he decides to go for the hair cut...a good way to conform, make a statement AND do it for a good cause. I'd also be sure that the coach was his first stop in asking for a donation!
If you take away the need for him to rebel, he won't. Maybe he's just trying to control something in his life?

Don't get confused with this being a statement about him being a man. He lives in a society and wants an occupation in a very structured environment. Understanding what it takes to compete and survive in that kind of environment is part of being a man.

Allow him to do it BUT warn him of the consequences that HE will be bringing on HIMSELF by not conforming to a team. Better that he learns this lesson now than when he's trying to make it in the real world.

There are plenty of other ways to express your individualism. That's what cars are for! Smile
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Originally posted by Vicarious Dad:
Lots of kids grow beards to intimidate the younger guys.

I know I never worked though. It didn't come in very well until I was 31. Up until then, I had 7 chest hairs...they were all named.

...,he said as he wandered within spittin' distance of (TMI) too much information. Smile
One of my first posts four years ago asked a question that goes something like this..."if the HS coach tells my son to change how he hits, can we tell him he's not changing." Something to that effect.

Coach May responded, "I sure hope you and your son play for a team other than mine."

That response bothered me and I've learned a lot about baseball, myself and my son in the past four years.

Youth baseball has the ability to teach our boys so many valuable things about life.

How to deal with superiors (bosses and coaches)
How to deal with peers (co-workers and teammates)
How to deal with rules (we ALL have to go by the rules)
How to deal with adversity
How to deal with success
I'm sure there are many more "how to's" that could go here.

When I was in high school, the rule was hair over the ears and off the collar. This rule was combined with no chewing tobacco, keep up grades, etc. There was no option. You go by the rules or you don't play.

I'm sorry that you don't like the rule. But it's not a rule that jeopardizes the health and safety of the players. It's one of proper appearance and respect.

Get a haircut or go play socker.

This guy? Batting helmet? He'll need a dozen or so of these...

The question is how many boxes do you keep in the dugout/concession stand for him? They're fragile and easily broken so I would imagine that he'll need more than one set for each game. Will the Boosters cover the cost?

Oh, and they're tasty. Certainly the team will lose some merely by his teammates snacking on them in the dugout. The dugout, of course, will be very loud..."I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!"

Keebler© Ice Cream Waffle Cones
    Price: $15.68 for 12-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)

    In Stock.

    Severe Weather Alert: Due to winter storms on the East Coast of the United States, many packages will be delayed.

It could happen.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
"Advise him and respect his Choice"

I agree. Many 16-18 year olds want to make their own decisions. Treat me Like an Adult. Okay, then you have to get both sides of "treat me like an adult"

I would give him my advice. If he choose to not cut his hair, then I would also expect him to play for his travel team baseball. Sound like he has already paid for his car, so let him him pay for his summer ball.

I agree with many that it sounds like he is not that interested in playing baseball, because if he would he would cut off a lot more than just his hair to play.

Sound like the young man has made his decision. Wanting to be a future doctor is great, i just hope he realizes that in just about anything he chooses to do in life he is going to have some kind of rules that he will have to conform to, unless I guess he wins the lottery.
The ice cream cones are kinda cool, but as you said GW, fragile...and we can't have anyone getting hurt.

Additionally, the distraction caused in the dugout by all the ice cream cones, team chantings for ice cream and such would not be conducive to winning...

Therefore, for safety reasons, I would suggest stuffing the spike into a cone...a conehead helmet! Check this out...

Last edited by Coach Waltrip

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