Originally posted by CADad:
I don't think many people disagree with how one would handle bad character, and it sounds like you are doing it right. My question would be when you have a really talented player with average character vs an average player with really good character. What is the the approach then? I think that's where coaches sometimes get into trouble.
You make a great point that coaches get into trouble with a great athlete with bad character / attitude. In a perfect world coaches would do the same and get rid of him until he proved he could behave but let's face it - they don't. In all honesty I would probably give the good athlete a few more chances than I would the average athlete. I hate to say it but I think I probably would but if he didn't change I know for a fact I would get rid of him.
Several years ago I booted my best player from the team the day before we started playoffs. He kept coming late to everything and I tried to punish him by running him, sitting him, talking to him - whatever. Finally the day before playoffs it was raining and we were going to practice at the field but I also told them if it was raining to meet in the gym. He strolls in about 9 or 10 minutes late because he went to the field first. There was no doubt we were going to be at the gym because of the rain.
I told him to get out and he started cussing and yelling at me. As he was doing that I never felt better in my life because it really did validate my decision that getting rid of him was best.
I probably did give him more chances than I would another player because he had a great family. His older brother played for me and I thought the world of him. His mom and dad were some of my best backers and really took up for me when the idiot parents were trying to get me fired. I guess I just wanted to get through the season with him because he was a senior.
I made the statement if you were late to practice you were off the team. I put myself in that corner and if I backed down and just punished him I would have lost all credibility. It was something I had to do although I hated it. I couldn't really stand the guy but I hated it for his family.
Ultimately if you keep bad characters / attitudes around your life will be miserable and lose credibility with your other players. You have to can them sometimes.