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I have a few starters who decided to skip practice recently to attend a college basketball game. One of the kids did ask if he could miss practice for that reason, and I told him no - that I wouldn't give permission to miss practice for a basketball game. We have strict rules concerning missing practice and games, and for that reason I intend to suspend them indefinitely. But I just wanted to maybe get a few other opinions beforehand. Any input welcome...
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Are the players in College or HS? Playoff or tourn game?

Here is my take.. Yes some form of suspension is warrented only because you stated very clear that you would not allow them to miss practice for a BB game. They knew or at least one did in advance there would be a penalty.

Even though I can understand the excitment surronding such an event. In HS the process should be to have fun and be a kid. Less severe penalty.
ie extra running, one game sit out. And the understanding that by not being at practice they affect the entire team not just their skills.

But in college to a large degree the players are paid through scholarship tuition etc to be a Baseball player.I could see a stronger penalty in that case. Now as a coach did you take into concideration the fact that a BB game was scheduled? And maybe a meaningful game to the alumni? Could you have adjusted your schedule to accomidate the game time? Maybe a less stiff penalty if the players felt you could have adjusted for them if it was an important game.

But some form of disipline should be enforced reguardless the answers above. If you told the one player the penalty would be severe then you really cant back down from what you made clear prior.
Last edited by Former Member
Whatever course of action you decide is your decision... the guys put the ball in your court for sure.

FWIW, when i have suspended guys in the past I have given them a penalty; say 4 games with the opportunity to work off 2 of those games. The working involved stadium/field work or helping a local little league team for several hours.

Good luck and I hope it comes out to a positive solution for you and your team.
Originally posted by ehcwasp:
I have a few starters who decided to skip practice recently to attend a college basketball game. One of the kids did ask if he could miss practice for that reason, and I told him no - that I wouldn't give permission to miss practice for a basketball game. We have strict rules concerning missing practice and games, and for that reason I intend to suspend them indefinitely. But I just wanted to maybe get a few other opinions beforehand. Any input welcome...

Did it surprise you that they missed or was it something that when you found out was like "well that figures"? If you showed up to practice and asked where Bobby, Mike and Johnny were and somebody told you the basketball game and it caught you off guard I think you have a teachable moment.

Whether you get rid of them, run them until you get tired or some sort of community service (which is a great idea trojan skipper) is totally your call as trojan skipper said. But if they stay on the team it needs to be because you feel they can learn from this and not do it again. Definately punish them in some way but if you can teach them something then go for it.

Now if you aren't surprised they did this I heartily suggest you get rid of them as fast as you possibly can. You will feel better and I'm willing to bet that all the guys on the team will be glad of it. Guys like this are selfish and cancers.

Good luck with your decision and let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the input guys! It was definitely a surprise to me that they missed - 2 of them haven't missed a practice since 8th grade.....I did suspend them for 2 games, and I intend to run them pretty good. I also gave them a few guidelines to maybe help get back in the good graces of the team and the coaching staff, and if they hold up their end, then they will be back in the lineup in a week or so. Thanks again guys!

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