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If you go there to visit, they have a neat little "booster" shop there that raises money for the SOF families. You can pick up caps, t-shirts and the usual stuff with the Special Forces logo on it. We got mouse pads and mugs for the people who worked for us and I got my daughter a beanie baby and got myself a cap and t-shirt.

I do beleive the Cards and Nationals due to proximity play milb games. I'll watch for your player!

We will be there the week of March 20. So, if you see a middle aged couple flanked by an older couple, looking all pale and touristy, wearing Nats gear and carrying cameras and camcorders....we'll look just like all the other families of players. Be sure to say "hi". We'll root for your player too.

Last edited by cpkebaseballdad
Our son, his wife, and their two labs are leaving for Scottsdale this morning, pulling a new little trailer full of "stuff" behind their truck. Only God know where they'll end up in April, but they're hoping SF.

If you have some extra time, could you please say a quick prayer for their safety as they travel today and tomorrow. Most of TX is under a strong wind advisory and, of course being a typical mom, I'm a little worried. Thanks! Smile
Last edited by TxMom
TxMom ...

Prayers from sunny SoCal for travel mercies for your son, wife, and pups, as well as all our guys and their families, and especially for those who must travel thru some rough weather.

Don't know about most players (some organizations don't let their players drive to assigned team), but ours will drive to Mobile at the end of March (his most likely destination this spring) and those long trips set my nerves a bit on edge. I know the Lord will watch over them, tho, and hopefully they can all have breakout seasons.
Originally posted by TPM:
You are correct, players driving to st are told they must fly out for assignments, no driving.

In our case if he flies out the truck only has to be transported back home, about 40 miles. Big Grin

Must depend on the organization. The Orioles let players drive. Josh is driving down on the 28th. Prayers for travel mercies all around.
Nationals allow players the choice of driving or flying. They provide plane ticket or pay mileage up to a max cap. My son wants his car wherever he winds up.

The parental problem occurs when without much advance notification, he is told to pack up and be on a plane that afternoon because he is being sent some place. Mom and Dad must get in the car or on a plane and retrieve son's car and drive it to the new city...doggone to go watch a ballgame. Smile
Last edited by cpkebaseballdad
TXMom ...

Glad to read that they arrived safely. The wind is scarey enough without a trailer ...

Mine made it to Phoenix yesterday a.m. and spent the day and night with some friends (former teammate, his wife, and baby), then headed to Tucson this afternoon. I miss them already cry

I suspect we won't see them till 3rd week in March after games start ... and then, who knows how far away they will be or how long it will be before we see them. (We are expecting Mobile again ... long ride but we will get there.)

Praying that all of our boys stay injury free and on a roster come the first week of April ... on an ACTIVE roster, I should say (no DL's !!!)
Marcos is now a teammate with iitg's son and Dave's two good friends Brian Jeroloman (catcher) and Alan Farina (pitcher), how cool is that.

DK reported early for a pitchers mini camp. First day was physicals and a bull pen where he was filmed and then light practice. Yesterday he met with the new pitching coordinator and went over his film. He said it was so awesome to see what needed to be worked on in spring training instead of hearing it. He really likes what they are doing and their new philosophy on consistancy in pitching instruction and development. His schedule in the clubhouse and on the field is different than the Big Leaguers but he sees them come and go and stays at another hotel. Spring training for milb begins next week and games begin around 3/12. Since they share facilities with Marlins their games (played against each other) are played on the back fields at Jupiter, and a few games against the Dodgers and Mets, he doesn't have to travel much. He has seen his friends in the Card organization who were drafted out of HS, a former Clemson team player with the Marlins.
Originally posted by TPM:
Marcos is now a teammate with iitg's son and Dave's two good friends Brian Jeroloman (catcher) and Alan Farina (pitcher), how cool is that.


Let's hope Darin and Marcos aren't fighting for the same spot. But rather, adjacent ones, 2B and SS.

Thanks for the Cards camp and DK update, TPM. As always, great reporting.
Last edited by infidel_08
Talked with our son yesterday. He has thrown several bullpens and has been pleased with how they are going, acknowledging that he is seeing improvement himself. Had a meeting yesterday with minor league coordinator and pitching coordinator ... don't think that has happened in the past. He got a better feel for his role this year than he had last year, and discussed his strengths and the areas where they want him to focus (improving the change up and using it more often). He felt comfortable speaking with them ... guess that happens after being a 'seasoned' minor leaguer LOL !!! All-in-all a positive experience for him, as they also acknowledged some of the intangibles ... good work ethic, low maintenance player, good example to younger players, etc. (Sometimes it is nicer to hear those things about our children than the accolades for performance, if you know what I mean.)

Games start the 15th. I may get to go down 2 times depending on various schedules. Whooppee !!!

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