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If anyone is interested in pursuing their baseball career and need help getting there, this company can help put you in touch with the right people. They are not agents, but help you get the opportunity to get scholarships or get to a professional level. Learn more by sending an email or calling 1-877-626-7667 x234.
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It is unfortunate that you see things this way. I would like to know who or where your son is playing. If a young athlete is not the star on his team, it is that much harder to get noticed. The FREE advice on this site IS great but is missing something. Not everyone is capable of promoting themselves to the extent that we will promote your child. We have staff members working on this everyday. We have had over 20 years of experience and know how exactly to promote someone to get notice, not to mention the extensive list of contacts we have into the industry (coaches, schools, leagues, etc.) If you think that every letter that gets sent gets read, it doesn't happen. No coach is going to go through hundred of letters, when scouts can hand the "best" up front. While this may not be for everyone, it is for those you want to get furtehr and do not know how. If you want to leave your son's career to chance then that's fine, but remember that you only get so many chances before an opportunity goes by. Personally, my goal is to let people know about this opportunity to help their sports career as mine has passed without this previous assisstance. I want to share the knowledge that I now have.
Cosmos -
I agree that there is all types of help available with recruiting and recruiting services can be a good choice for some families. I also did not mean to question your specific services. My comment was merely addressing the use of FREE advertising by companies and services on the site. Bob has taken the time to setup a specific process for advertising on HSBBW (see link provided in previous post), and as I am a big fan of Bob's, I would like to see that the site is compensated for the advertising.
Thank you for your reply and I admire your concern for Bob and your thoughts in general. I have emailed Bob already as to these concerns before I posted, so I am sure he is aware of my post. I know you are a parent looking out for people (which is expected), but I do want people to know what's available for those who do not have the time or do not know exactly how to do it. Keep in mind, that several hundreds of letters are being sent by numerous athletes and parents. What we do is act as a third party and have contact with those you may not. There are things like media that we have connections with or personal connections with decision makers. As we are NOT agents, our goal is to help athletes who may not be able to be seen by the right people and who may miss out on an opportunity.
Sorry TR, I am getting to the question. The toll free number is 1-877-626-7667 x234. Just to reiterate, we can help athlets get scholarships or get to a higher level of sport. We do this in various ways, which many companies do not do. We are NOT agents, rather we assist athletes and families with promotion of their son/daughter to the decision makers in their sport. We are not baseball specific but do handle all sports. Baseball is just one of our specialties.
I am in question also as to advertising on this website in this particular section which would mean an endorsement from Bob.
Chill, BabyBackMomma and I will be glad to offer any assistance without a toll free number to anyone needing advice.
Sorry parents, be aware of these type of services. I personally endorse playing for coaches that will help their players to get noticed, put your hard earned $$$ elsewhere.
I remember getting a call from some type of recruiting service out in California, insisting that my son needed their help in getting a scholarship. They claimed he was too lanky, too slow for a D1 scholarship. THEY could help make him a top prospect AND a first round pick (by making him bigger stronger with their program). And of course with their contacts he would benefit. The man was insulting.
Maybe they can get you a scholarship somewhere????? Better yet, pro ball!
Sorry, we are protective of our websters!
Last edited by TPM
TRhit, please do check it out. I am very curious as to how they got our email address. The email they sent us stated that our son had been referred to them as someone who could use their services. (He is an 05) There was a link to the same site that he has here...I'm thinking that the only means to know about our son and baseball....and our email address...had to come from a college baseball office...we have received numerous letters with forms to complete and address asked for on all..... or through this site. But I'm telling you for sure....he is getting/purchasing a list from some source connected to high school/college baseball.
Thanks Tiger Paw. I understand that as parents, you are all protective. All I can do is provide you with the information I have available and leave it up to you to decide. If you think I do not have your best interests at heart, than review my previous posts in this chain and decide for yourself. By speaking with any of you who are remotely interested is the only way I can prove myself to you. As I said in a previous post. NO, we are not baseball specific, but that does not change our proven track record with all types of athletes and our desire to not exclude any one sport. As for the money issue, we are no where near what other people you are associating with us offer nor do. We are not here to say that your son needs our help to play better, but we are here to help him get the best chance to show his talents. We do not just give advice moms, we actually thoroughly promote athletes daily which not very many other programs will offer. Lastly, to Arizonared, if you did actually receive something from us, it was not me, but if someone did contact you, you should take it as a compliment. Obviously, someone thought your son had enough talent to recommend him to our program. We definetly are not purchasing lists. Many of the questions that have been asked can be found in previous posts in this subject. Please review them first,as many answers can be found there.
Last edited by Cosmos
As I have already said: Bob is aware of this already and I have emailed him before any of my posts, so the concern is unnecessary. Again, MY purpose is not to sell stuff, but to provide opportunities where there may not be any. This is for individual awareness not for selling stuff. Those who see the benefits from this type of program, then can go and look into it further.
I am all for free enterprize. However this is a place ( I thought)where parents share and not advertise their services unless in a specified place. I say this to you as well as anyone else, unless you have an agreement with Bob. I have noticed that you have used other areas as well on this site to promote whatever you do. If you help in promoting players for scholarships, to get drafted, whatever, come here to share your knowledge, not sell it. JMO

Bob, I am sorry I may be out of line, but I don't think this is your intention for the HSBB Web and I am sure that I am not alone in feeling this way.
Cosmos, I accept your statement that you did not contact us....please accept my word that we did receive an email from someone in your say "if"... we...definitely did! I'm sure you can easily verify that we were contacted. We are new to the process of recruitment, and to this site, but I can see why the regulars are upset...if you are selling a service then you should be upfront about it...and purchasing ad space...there seems to be a lot of people posting who are sincere about helping...passing on their experiences and're offering assistance too....but with a price's an affront to them.....and understandably so...
Cosmos -

Since it has been proven and stated several times over the past several years that most college coache DO NOT work with "scholarship based/help an athelete out" programs.. what can you differently?

We have on this site, for free, to anyone who needs it the help of hundreds of parents of college players, Pro Scouts (at all levels), College and HS coaches, Team One Management, Perfect Game management, College Select Management, etc.. etc...

There is NO reason for anyone on this site to need a service to get them help..

Please provide verification, via a cut and paste, that Bob has approved your posting your business information here, otherwise I will be asking a monitor for this particular board to delete these posts and all others related to your company until Bob says its okay.
TR has a great program for your children and gives them a wonderful opportunity to showcase themselves. What we do is go a step further to actually personally promote your child individually on a consistent basis in various ways. I will leave this up to the parents but please know that speaking to all these people you have stated is almost impossible if you have ever tried. The people you have mention carry no clout with the actually coaches and decision makers. If you feel that you can handle your own child's career, then my hat goes off to you. There are many parents from my experience who do not know how and are unaware of doing the "right" things. Sports are a very competitive business, and any edge will greatly increase their chances. It really is not as easy as you have made it sound. Our athletes have all tried these methods, to only be passeed on to secretaries and such. This forum is not for me to sell our service, but from a personal level, I thought it was important to share the knowledge I do have with you. I am really trying to just be informative. I will even take the time to tell you any details or further information for FREE so it is not my intention to sell stuff. There are obviously parents who feel that they can handle things themselves and get their son to the highest level in baseball on their own. What I am trying to do is offer the assistance, teh best opportunity, persistence, dedication and over 20 years of expertise on our behalf to those who want the extra efforts and want the best chance for their son. I will say no more, but to find out exactly about our program and not just come to assumptions on your own, then you can call or write for further FREE information. If then you feel that we can help, then we go from there. There is no obligation to buy anything here in this forum. I wish you and your children all the best.
Last edited by Cosmos
Hello? Are you not listening to us? If you have free info, feel free to post it, that is what it's about here. Maybe your posts will make a difference.
Yes there are many parents who really are not sure how to go about the process, but I am assuming if they come here we could give advice and if they choose they can spend their money for it as well. Yes, we are not professionals we are parents and that is the advice we give, parental advice.
Why are y'all so hard an Cosmos? These boards have seen several business promoters come & go. There are several posters who use these boards as part of their business. A partial list includes TR, BrianRupe, We know that rbinaz works in athlete counseling. We've seen books (Peak Power Baseball) shamelessly promoted. We know that Glove Man sells baseball gloves and Akedema equipment. And Bama Bomber's employment announcement with Perfect Game was received with hearty congratulations.

There is room here on these boards for Cosmos. We should treat him civilly.
Since it has been proven and stated several times over the past several years that most college coaches DO NOT work with "scholarship based/help an athelete out" programs
careful with the broad brush Smile

many top D1 programs have the resources to identify players & fill their rosters - others often need help whether, services, alum, hs coaches scouts etc.

and also - "working with" vs "accepting a qualified recomendation from a service" are birds of a much different connotation

I'm aware of several regional recruiting type services who are very capable and have excellent working relationships with many smaller universities & colleges, and have very long lists of satisfied clients - in all sports

no doubt there is an abundance of info here, but some families start late or just don't get results for a variety of reasons - to advise them not to look for addtional help just because some can get by without it is a dis-service to them. and who gets stung if they follow that advice and come up empty? they do!

some will end up spending = to a year's college tuition + on showcases and summer travel teams, I just don't get the rationale that when additional help is perceived needed it's a no-no?

take a moment and listen to what the guy has to say, those who are intersted can follow up

those services who have nothing to offer are not around long enough to matter
Yes, we don't want to paint too broad a brush on anything or anyone. But almost all of what Justmom says is right:

If you are here, you probably don't or won't need the help of those kinds of services. Most of us are motivated enough and informed enough that those services won't help us know any more than we already do.

Yes, there are people here who are professionals in the industry. And yes, if they are going to push their services out there they should compensate Bob through the site. And some, if not most, do.

What I continue to appreciate is that most of these folks, while still in the business, offer insights and opinions of a professional, but from the context of being just like anyone else on here.

We don't want to be sales pitched, but we all desire information and try to filter the quality of that information. Hopefully, that will happen here.

Yes, even old guys need to continue to look for information. I might have two boys in college in the fall, but I've still got two more boys and a girl to go.

That's why I'm OLD vaman.
The last 3 posters have valid points. Think with was the way he went about presenting his services. Know that other contributors offer fee paid services/products, but they also are participating members of this community who offer suggestions and advise...without a price. The only advise, so far, from why you need to buy his services.
Bee, I think you hit it right on the nail. It is NOT as easy as some may think to talk to head coahes. Those who have tried (from which people from this site have informed me personally ), know that for a parent or child to speak with a coach if you can even get in touch with them personally, your chances are quite slim. From coaches and people in the business that we know, this method will not work. Now you may be lucky and get scouted, but this does not mean you make the team. There are tons of athletes out there dying to play. What makes your child different is the question. Obviously there are some of you who just do not want to believe in this but, leave it alone for those who do know that simple phone calls by them aren't going to get him anywhere. Everyone is doifg this, what will you do differently? My advice is here and stated over and over again. I feel very repetitive but for those who feel like they have all the information they need to ensure a baseball career for their son and can go about things in their own way, then that is great. I loved the fact that my parents invested a lot of time, effort and money into my own career, and I am sure that your children are the same. If not now, they will realize it one day. But reality is, who has time to promote their son daily as a job which our staff do as their job for over 45 hours a week. My ADVICE is for those who want a stonger guarantee for their son. Everyone listed above who "offered" things on the site, have costs involved as well, if you choose to participate. Nothing is of course free. But my ADVICE IS THIS: to let parents know that there is another avenue (with a proven track record) for their son to be promoted daily to the next level of sport for a year. The programs are very reasonable and less expensive than a lot of others. Our staff's job is to work on our athletes every day, all the time, in order to make sure they are noticed. We handle everything for you. We get in contact with people for them and save a parent the work and aggravation associated. We have credibility with coaches, teams, players and organizations and so forth. There are quiet periods in which we can talk to coaches when you can't. Information is free, the work we end up doing for you is when you would need to pay. But it is worth it to look into the possibilites for your son if he wants the opportunity to go further. Please stop asking me to explain things further on this site, as I then feel as if I am advertising. I am simply directing parents in the right direction if they are interested in the possibilities. It is only an OPTION.
If Cosmos has something legit to offer prospective student/athletes, let him. This thread is starting to sound a little like the McCarthy senate hearings.
Personally, I won't rule out ANY help that I think is beneficial after I have looked into it and given it careful consideration. I think that's all Cosmos is offering.
If Bob or whoever thinks he's advertising for free, I'm sure Bob can and will ban him from the site. Chill, people. Let it be.
Originally posted by Cosmos:
If anyone is interested in pursuing their baseball career and need help getting there, this company can help put you in touch with the right people. They are not agents, but help you get the opportunity to get scholarships or get to a professional level. Learn more by sending an email or calling 1-877-626-7667 x234.

Origianlly posted by OldVaman
"What I continue to appreciate is that most of these folks, while still in the business, offer insights and opinions of a professional, but from the context of being just like anyone else on here."

You hit the nail on the head sir!

Cosmos are you a he cosmos or a she cosmos? As I stated before I have no problem with what you do, but how you have gone about it here.

I have a two questions. I am mostly familiar with the recruiting process at the bigger D1 schools. Is the contact you have with Head coaches or the recruiting coordinators (who get paid very well to do that job)? Most Head Coaches I spoke with never saw my son play at all, it was all done through the recruiting or assistant coaches. And many of those coaches rely on area scouts and their own sources.
I think many parents who visit here realize that there has to be something special or different about their son to set them apart for that scholarship to happen. You can know lots of people but the player is not always college ball or pro material, do you give them that advice?

I think your original post is what raised eyebrows. It was a direct solicitation.
I had the opportunity to chat on the phone yesterday with the COSMOS rep who has been posting here.

The poster is a she, by the way

We talked about some things that bothered me:

01--not being sport specific where baseball was concerned

02--a link on their site telling me I can find the biographies of their staff--that link took me to a staff page which only got me email addys for each of the staff shown--I found this to be a bit disconcerting

03--as I told her I also found it a bit disturbing that no "homework" was done on her part before answering me--apparently she had not looked at my profile before responding to me--

I can tell you that she seemed sincere in what they want to do but they are more geared to management of players in the Canadian arena.

As I told her it is little things that make my red flag go up and we have seen too many scams and fly by night outfits over the years

Apparently they want to spread their wings a bit and enter the college placement field--how they will do this is not quite clear to me

You can all visit their website and see what you think about them.

Hope this helps you all
Last edited by TRhit

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