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Topic for a cold pre-season day. If a player is not feeling well, should he play anyway? I don't mean injured, I mean sick, like cold, fever, stomach.

Years ago, before I found hsbbw, the situation was this. It was my son's first year on the varsity. He didn't play in the first two games, but the third game he knew he was going to start in the infield. That morning he woke up with the first day of a horrible cold. You know the feeling, your head is all woozy, you're dizzy, your nose is running. No fever, though. It was cold and windy. Since he wasn't actually too sick to go to school, he played. Made several errors - totally uncharacteristic for him. Then sat the bench for the next few weeks.

We were really second-guessing. Should he have played? In fact, he hurt his team by playing badly - maybe he should have said he was sick?

It turned out fine in the long run, he was starting again by mid-season. But in a situation where you might get just a few chances to prove yourself, what's the best decision?  Or is is just bad luck when that happens?

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Ignoring any contagion issue (C19 or otherwise), there’s quite a few variables. Is this a win or go home game, or an out of region scrimmage? Is there a player who can drop into your slot and provide enough replacement value to mean you can easily sit the bench, or are you so valuable that even at 60%, you’re capable of being a game changer (almost no one is this good in HS)? Is this a stomach bug that you expect to run its course overnight, leaving you good for the (more important) game tomorrow?

I’d say it’s going to always be a case-by-case thing, no hard and fast rule unless the contagion issue is at hand.

I think it’s kind of the same as playing a little hurt. Is it a situation where not being your best may hurt you for future play time? Then don’t.  My son knew he was pitching on a Tuesday game last year.  Team scheduled the required vaccine on Monday afternoon. He pitched the next day with a 104 fever. It was the last time he pitched that season. He should have just said he was sick….but he was a freshman and thought it might hurt him. Several other kids played with raging fevers too. Poor planning on the coaches part.

@baseballhs Good point, and not limited to C19. Son had his meningitis B vaccine a few weeks back, absolutely pummeled him around 2 hours later. Was fine the next day, but he nearly passed out after going back to school and doing his first set at weight training.

When possible, I would definitely be careful with any medical procedure that can push them off their game when it matters most. Even a routine tightening of braces should be done with a 3 day buffer, if possible.

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