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Unless he was removed due to an injury, or his replacement required more than eight warmup pitches or he was ejected, yes he may.

The rule book covers this inadequately in Rule 3, however the casebook state unequivocally in 3.1.2 situation B "F1 (after being substituted for) may return to pitch later in the game provided all other aspects of pitcher substitution have been met."
Originally posted by Tangents23:

I don't want to have to pick. I would just like the correct ruling/interpertation.

Jimmy gave it to you. It's only a short scroll away.

I don't know who the "other responders you have grown to respect on this site" are, but you have been given the answer to your question, the rulebook cite and a casebook interpretation that is directly on point. You can choose to believe that or what you have been told by the others.

Take your pick.
Last edited by dash_riprock
Originally posted by Tangents23:
Wouldn't any new pitcher entering a game be entitled to 8 warm up pitches (more than the starter is entitled) therefore making it illegal for the starting pitcher to reenter?

Yes the new pitcher would be entitled to eight warm-ups, and no it would not be illegal for the relieved starter to re-enter. Re-entry as a pitcher is prohibited only if the reliever needs MORE than eight.
As stated above, a starting pitcher is allowed to be removed and return to pitch later with a few exceptions. Here are the rule cites:

- He doesn't complete one at bat (3-1-1)
- He is injured or his replacement takes more than his permitted warmup throws (3-1-2)
- His team has used up their allotted defensive conferences (3-4-1)
Originally posted by Kaizen:
As stated above, a starting pitcher is allowed to be removed and return to pitch later with a few exceptions:

- He doesn't complete one at bat (3-1-1)

He must FACE one batter (I'm sure you meant that).

- His team has used up their allotted defensive conferences (3-4-1)

Applicable only at the time of his removal.
Originally posted by Tangents23:
Originally posted by dash_riprock:
Originally posted by Tangents23:
Several responders that I have grown to respect on this site have stated otherwise in past postings.

Well then take your pick.

I don't want to have to pick. I would just like the correct ruling/interpertation.

And I provided it.

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