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Would the person who deleted and entire 6 page thread because of 1 or 2 posts that were out of line, please explain why they did it and reaveal who did it?

Why were the 1 or 2 offending posts not deleted instead? Someone put a link in that offended some people. I don't think that rated losing an entire thread of some fairly good information. Why not close it if you are that offended.

I spent a lot of time typing measured and informative resposnes and would like to know why. I have seen much worse left on here. What a waste.

If you have a problem with 1 or 2 posters, how about telling them they are going to far and delete their posts. I support the moderators, but this was too much in my opinion. Atleast explain why so people will know what not to do, because frankly I don't get this one. Others I have said" wow it is about time" but this one baffles me.
"Don't sweat the small stuff." "I am responsible for the effort -- not the outcome. "
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I did not notice. I will tell you this. I have been around a while and seen numerous bad threads and this one has me baffled. I do not feel that it was warranted. I do not feel that it was nasty. It got a little heated once, but then it calmed down. There have been 10 times worse on here left to fester. JMO There was lots of good info and opinions washed away for no reason. If the 1 or 2 offending posts needed to be deleted then so be it, but this was too far.

I would like to see some discussion on this because frankly, no warnings were given, no deletions of posts, just a deleted thread. Totally unwarranted.

I'm telling you it was because someone put pressure on him and that someone was probabbly that other sites.

His site has not been doing very good latley. I guess he's frustrated because of it.

But anyway it was a good honest disscussion that should be continued. I just wish the thread could be put back up Smile
I must admit, I am totally confused. Was this just a mistake somehow? When a thread is deleted can it somehow be recovered. I really thought there were some very important things in that thread. There were some things that possibly could have helped people a lot. In the interest of trying to help others, I for one hate to waste my time, for nothing. What happened??????
I did some searching, but I can't see where a deleted thread can be recovered once deleted. There are other ways to remove the thread for later review, but nothing like that was done that I can tell. If it was then it could have been restored.

If a moderator didn't delete the thread, then only the person who started the thread could delete it. I don't go to the admin section very much but I'm sure the "Grand Poo Bah" knows more than me.

By the way, I know you have plenty of mental capacity for at least another 50 years. Wink
Top Gun,

I was away from the computer for awhile. Doing something stupid... like eating dinner! When I came back I saw "Big Hit" had started this thread about the deletion. I don't know what might have been said while I was stuffin my face, but I'm starting to think maybe you might have gone one step too far in that time. Is that possible?

The only reason for saying this is... since the thread was deleted your agenda is becoming so much clearer. It appears that it's not really about the weighted balls as much as it's about your hatred for someone. That is one thing, I don't have a lot of time for!


No, I did not say anything that would warrant any moderator deleting the whole thread. That is for sure.

I can tell you that bbscout edited my last post by adding a comment about stopping my posts all together and then within minutes the thread was gone.

I have no idea why because I really didn't say anything wrong and there were others that can vouce for that.

I think it may be clear that I have strong believes and opinions but that is where it ends.

I really think that we had a good disscussion going on and if the owner of that other site had something to say then he should enter the conversation rather then have some of followers do his dirty work.
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I have been on this site for a number of years, and I have read a lot of posts by BBScout.

While he may or may not have deleted the thread, I have no idea. I can guarantee you that no third party is going to order him to do anything he doesn't believe is correct.

As others have alluded to, you seem to have stepped up the rethoric from arguing against weighted balls to attacking an individual. That may be why he posted what he did to you.
Last edited by BigWI
Top Gun,

I don't think I know you and I'm not saying you and your opinions are right or wrong regarding weighted balls. I also thought there was a very worthwhile discussion going on. It was interesting to hear what everyone had to say. Thought I might pick up some good information.

What I am saying is... possibly you did not have the same reasons for the discussion that Big Hit and others including myself had. My reason for being involved had no intent of personally attacking anyone.

The sad part is, had that thread lived, the best information was yet to come. If you just ask the question "Does the weighted ball training work"? You will get "only" those responses from people who have used them. In the context of that deleted thread, we might of heard from many top pitchers who have never used weighted balls and increased their velocity using a different method. Anyway it would have been interesting and possibly very informative.
Top Gun,

I did not see what posts were edited, nor did I see what did/did not warrant closing/deleting the thread. However, I would assume it had something to do with the "other" site.

With regards to your "friend" at the other site, I suggest you stop posting attacks on the HSBBWEB. Honestly, unless some useful information is exchanged, mentioning his name fuels the fire. In case you haven't discovered it, the spell check edits his site's name. That should tell you all you need to know. As a moderator, I will protect Bob and this site.
I didn't get a chance to see what went on the thread in the last day or so before it was deleted. In and of itself there probably wasn't anything in the thread that justified it being deleted.

However, the "other" site had posted some of it's concerns about the motives of one of the contributors to the thread along with a concern that the same poster may have taken some inaproppriate action relative to weighted ball information in the past.

In that light, deleting the thread may have been the right thing to do to protect the HSBBWEB. As we've seen from the resurrected weighted balls topic this has been discussed in great detail in the past and will doubtless be discussed in great detail in the future. It is pertinent information about which there is a great deal of disagreement so we can expect to see the topic raised many times again.
Gloveman wrote:
Being in sales most of my professional life, I've always been taught to "never trash my competition, it only makes yourself look bad, really bad".

I heard a sales trainer remark that when you trash the competition to your client, it not only makes you look bad but everytime you mention the other party your client refexively thinks of something good they do.
It really is a shame that this other sites owner is so insecure about what is said that he has to use others rather then come on this board to support his views. Or was he banned?

Also he has mentioned an individual on his site my father by name in an effort to publically defame. I don't know the legal ramifications of this action but you could ask him how many sites he has been banned from which shows what kind of character he is!

I guess it's out of frustration since his business is doing so bad Big Grin
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Originally posted by Bighit15:
Would the person who deleted and entire 6 page thread because of 1 or 2 posts that were out of line, please explain why they did it and reaveal who did it?

Why were the 1 or 2 offending posts not deleted instead? Someone put a link in that offended some people. I don't think that rated losing an entire thread of some fairly good information. Why not close it if you are that offended.

I spent a lot of time typing measured and informative resposnes and would like to know why. I have seen much worse left on here. What a waste.

If you have a problem with 1 or 2 posters, how about telling them they are going to far and delete their posts. I support the moderators, but this was too much in my opinion. Atleast explain why so people will know what not to do, because frankly I don't get this one. Others I have said" wow it is about time" but this one baffles me.


The originator of the thread was a youngman who was seeking information on how to increase his velocity.

I spent a good time in discussing the pros and cons of that effort and provided websites with information. both anatomical, and textual in the presentation of how to understand the impact of stress related injuries to the throwing motion.

It was all wiped out in a fit of anger by one of the moderators. However, I had left the discussion due to some other obligations I had and was not privy to what may have caused the moderator to take the action he did.

I can't concern myself with it, even though I'm the one with the most deleted threads here. I post the information as part of the public domain. Having it deleted is no different than anyone else rejecting it for their own reasons...can't get to upset about it since it doesn't rise to a level of a copyright violation.

If Bob deleted it because a poster was using his website for reasons that violated Bob's rules, he is well within his right to do so.

I just hope that those that like my stuff save and print whatever they find useful.
Since everyone is so concerned hear this

I, me and me alone without any pushing from anyone, deleted it because of the way it was going--just as it had before-- bashing of other sites---there is no need for it here on this site--if you guys want to bash other sites while backing your favorite guru, do us all a big favor and take your problem elsewhere. It seems that every time one site or one guru gets named the followers of the others gurus get up in arms and the stone throwing begins.

Personally I could care less about those self styled gurus--as I have said before I have my own in house pitching guys who I rely on and trust.

As long as it is in my power to moderate and determine I will continue to delete--we can all discuss things here without bashing other sites regardless of what you may think of them--on top of it all they, the site(s) in question, phone me to ***** about it--

There is also a huge legal question involved with the site when such bashing and name calling occurs---we do not need that nonsense

You all feel better now !!!!!

Happy Holidays

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