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She took a bad fall at my house yesterday (Sat the 20th) and fractured the upper part of her left femur ... very very bad break. The break was spiral in nature and according to her orthopedic surgeon, one of the worst he has had to deal with in a long time. She (and I) spent most of yesterday morning at the ER in the hospital I was in last fall, and then was transported by ambulance (much to the chagrin of the surgeon who eventually operated) to her home city 30 miles away and to her 'regular' hospital. Her surgeon was livid that they transported an 82 year old woman with a femural fracture because it is such a painful condition with the muscle spasms etc.

She finally had emergency surgery last night at 8 pm pst, which lasted about 1 1/2 hours. The orthopedic surgeon is a gem ... wish there were more like him ... and he was very compassionate towards her (and her family) through it all. Marv and I were not in her room when the surgeon came in but AJ and Katie were there ... we had to go to her house and retrieve some personal items for her and just missed him. But AJ kept us informed, calling while the surgeon was there, explaining things, and passing on our concerns/questions to the doctor. During the procedure, he placed a metal rod down the center of her femur, and I guess there may be some pins involved as well.

Marv and I got home last night just around midnight ... she was finally back in her room around 11:15 pm. I spoke with her this morning and she sounded well considering she had a rough night with lots of nausea (from her pain meds, probably) and some difficulty breathing ... which were addressed poorly if at all by her night nurses. (My mom is a retired nurse so I am sure you all can imagine ...)

We are beyond thankful that she did not fracture the hip itself and require a total replacement. She was actually sitting up in bed with her feet over the side this morning ... she only has three small incisions along the side of her thigh so I am sure that helps, also. Our biggest concern at this point, and I don't know if the doctor will talk with her about this today or not, is that after she leaves the hospital (in 3-4 days) she will go to a rehab facility, from which she will be released when she can tend to her bathroom needs by herself. However, she lives alone (and must climb steps to get into her home) and the doctor said she cannot go home under those circumstances. I am not sure if he meant just while she is recovering or if he means ever. He told us we would need to find a place for her to live ... we don't know at this point what we are going to do ... it is really a dilemma and one which requires much prayer and patience.

Please do keep her in your prayers as we deal with this injury and her future as an 'independent' gramma ... she kept telling me that she wondered what God was trying to tell her with this situation. I suggested two things ... listen to your kids when they tell you not to do something that might cause injury (she was trying to step over a doggie gate in the hallway, got one leg over and not the other one ... I was in the garage and heard her little 'help help help' and just knew what must have happened) and that He wants her to slow down. She has several other health issues ns as well (not unlike her beloved daughter ) and really pushes herself too much.

Please also pray for an easy recovery. She is significantly overweight (I was shocked at the # she gave her nurse yesterday but it was in front of me and Katie so I can understand fudging a little bit but this was REALLY a big batch of fudge ...) and that contributed to some of the difficulty of the surgery.

I love her to pieces, and altho she has always said that she doesn't want to be a burden as she gets older, she has financial limits and she has to realize that we will do whatever needs to be done to get her through this and, hopefully for her, living on her own again if at all possible.

Thanks ...
Mary Ann
Mary Ann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [i]"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 [8/21/08][/i]
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Mary Ann - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I would suspect that she should probably have a caregiver present for 24 hrs/day when she first goes home to observe how she adapts to her home environment.

Also, you may or may not be aware that with her current medical and physical condition and the fact she will be homebound for a time, she will qualify for home health services including nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and a home health aide under Medicare. Medicare will pay for them 100%. Now, these are services with professionals coming into her home and leaving after their visit. They cannot replace a constant need for assistance, but certainly can play a vital role in her recovery.

Second, some states (most states) have programs that are designed to keep folks out of nursing homes. These are folks that if given some additional support at home, may remain in their home instead of having to enter a nursing home. For instance here in KY, it is called "Home and Community Based Waiver Services". It is funded by the state and administered by home health agencies. It would allow for some homemaking, personal care, as well as respite services if indicated. This involves an assessment and approval by the program - whatever might be available in your state. It also has financial guidelines which I wouldn't know if your mom would meet or not.

Just some ideas for you. I would begin to talk with the social worker/discharge planner/case manager (different professionals do this type of job in various hospitals) now and continue to use the resources at the rehab facility. They should be able to provide you with the guidance you would need.

Thoughts and prayers for momma! Smile
Oh dear, you have had so many health issues yourself now this!

Prayers to your mom for a speedy recovery.

My mom fell two years ago (a little less than) and shattered her wrist. She was 80 and goes dancing two times a week and caught her heel and fell while dancing. Roll Eyes She refused to have any of us come to help, so she was provided care through medicare for a nurse to come in and bathe her and cook meals along with some home health care policy she had taken out, it was 100% covered. I agree with lafmom, speak with the appropriate party at the hospital (social services ) to consider all options.

She's still dancing away, just can't keep a good mom down. Smile I would pay to have her energy!
Last edited by TPM
Mary Ann, said I was never going to post on this site again...even registered with a new name so I could ask questions of "oldtimers", in.... incognito! I think so much of you however, gotta join the thread...want to say that the paperwork/administrative work must get done, and as we found does.....lost my Mom a year ago this month and the last thing any of us remember now is the paperwork hassle.....Mom was placed in a home, and my Dad, fully able to care for himself, made probably one of his biggest sacrifices....he gave up his independence and took the twin bed next to her's.....he said "No one looks after his beautiful bride but himself"! Now Dad, on an overnight visit away from the home recently, fell and broke his hip too.....he is doing well, has well established himself in the home, but will not walk again.....he not only copes...but enjoys life...just having returned from another trip to Ireland.....he says he's writing a book on the best Pubs in Ireland....and he must obtain personal, first hand knowledge....his son-in-law works for the research is easy...even with a repaired, and non-reponsive hip.....(don't ask how he broke his hip.....)

With Mom and Dad....we never spoke of any worries...just lots of funny stories, lots of discussing who was the brattiest kid, old neighborhood gossip, and telling her....often....we loved her....many trips to the home....and usually, much laughter....and this continues to this day with Dad...we never thought it possible, but his sacrifice turned out to be the best thing for him....he is comfortable, secure, and as happy as a man can be missing his wife of 60 years everyday......

But...who am I talking to....and about whom? Nurses? Having a sister and sister-in-law who are RN's....I should know have this all worked out already....she is on my prayer you have remained....and now I'm going back to my foxhole.....only to return to the Private Messaging section when my son calls again with a baseball "crisis".....

PS: Dad requested a double bed for he and Mom, but the nursing home doesn't keep them in supply....he was mighty ya MA!
Last edited by Abigail
Mary Ann,

I have been quietly saying prayers for your mom, your family, and you. Time for me to speak up in black and white (yes, wherever two or more of you are gathered, there is love).

My prayers are that you, your mother, and your family find comfort, support and love as you go through this. You have an awful lot that you have to deal with right now. Please keep yourself safe and as healthy as possible.

I understand how important it is to visit your mom, but I am also pretty sure that she wouldn't want you to put yourself at risk to do so.

I know that the firefighters are doing their best out there, but the winds are high. I have read where high profile vehicles have been flipped by the winds. Please take care!

My mother slipped and broke her hip (or broke her hip and fell?)in my house,on her first step into my kitchen on Christmas Eve. I had just washed and waxed the floor (20+ years ago when floors were still waxed) and I will always feel just a little bit guilty - the floors didn't have to be that shiny!

Well, now you know that you have my prayers added to those of all of your friends here on the hsbbw. You are so kind to others, I hope that kindness is returned to you many times over.

Abigail, from a newcomer, welcome back! Please give us new kids on the block a chance to show you that we can play nice. It seems like you have a lot of compassion and insight that I know I would benefit from (sorry for the bad grammar).
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Thanks to all for your prayers and caring.

Mom is doing as well as can be expected. She had to have 2 units of blood last night (not unexpected as surgeon told us this might happen) to get her hemoglobin up. She will transfer to a rehab facility down the street either today or tomorrow. Unfortunately, the nursing staff at her present hospital are leaving a lot to be desired ... inconsistant care, late pain medication, PTherapist annoyed because Mom was in too much pain to work this morning yada yada yada. I think she will enjoy the non-acute setting she is going to be in. (I actually used to work there as an aide 100 years ago and it was then, and apparently now, is the best in the area.)

The winds are tough on my lungs with the dust and the smoke we are having from the nearby fires. I do take my Oxygen with me, tho, and that seems to help. I will be leaving in a few minutes to head up there and visit.

Emotionally my mom is frustrated as she lies in bed and worries about what the future holds. The doctor told her she could go home after rehab WITH HELP but she doesn't want anybody in her home. (She is getting to be a bit of a pack rat and has a lot to clean up. I told her we would take care of that situation (i.e., mess) when we could as I will be more than happy to pack things up and ship them off to charity while she sits in a chair and tells me what can go and what can't.)

Thanks again for the prayers and support. And as they say ... KEEP THEM (CARDS & LETTERS) COMING !!!

"Abigail" ...

So glad to read your message. I do hope things are going well for you all back there and that you are enjoying your new home and living situation. Any tatoos lately? Feel free to e-mail me at

Mary Ann
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Welcome back Abigail! Wink

Mary Ann - You can tell your mom, that as a nurse who did home health visits for years, that it's more common for an elderly person's house to be cluttered than vice versa. I figure I'll probably be one of those too that they have to find between the stacks of old photo albums, magazines, and the old computer equipment that I'm sure I shouldn't give away! Big Grin Glad to hear she's doing ok.
Mary Ann,

When my husband had his first (he had two) surgery to remove the infection in his sternum, post open-heart valve repair and required nursing help because they left his chest open (it was awful, let me tell you), believe it or not, I was "grateful" that one son had pneumonia and the other had mono (think there was a little stress in the house?) and the girls were in elementary school and carrying the germ du jour which freaked out my mother enough that she invited my husband to stay with her (lives only 4.5 blocks away) where her house was no, IS "germ-free". I don't know what I would have done with all of my piles of "stuff" every day when the nurse came in..... Just as fast as I throw stuff out, more stuff comes in.....

So tell your dear mother that your friend in Chicagoland understands.....

I understand what you are going through. My MIL broke her hip in January, and just recently broke her arm in a fall. (compound to boot) My MIL has many other complications - not fall related - and was just transferred to Hospice today. She is 86 and one tough old gal. In fact she graduated from Hospice once all ready! She was over medicated and her doctors just did not know what to do, so they just kept writing 'scripts.

Anyway, I hope your mom get settled and things will work out. It's very difficult.

Hope those fires get put out too - you be careful! Prayers for you and your family.
Last edited by 55mom
Hi FBM -

So sorry to hear of the complications with your Mom, but I hope that the transition to a closer rehab will be easier on you both. Also, I wish her the easiest and most complete recovery possible!

I am also really sorry to hear that all the smoke is affecting your breathing. Our daughter has asthma and one of the things I was worried about was whether she had her inhaler. Someone was watching over her - she had it in her bag - although she doesn't normally carry it with her!. I'm glad that the oxygen gives you some relief, but will pray that the winds and fires ease up soon.

Until then, please stay safe and take good care of yourself!
Thanks, ssm ... I appreciate your prayers.

An update ... Mom was moved to a rehab hospital Monday evening. I am (or thought I was) familiar with the facility since I was a nurse's aide there 100 years ago, but they have one section now that is totally rehab patients who are not long term residents or extended care.

I had a chance to see Mom try to 'walk' after her PT on Tuesday ... gotta give the gal her dues even if she only got 2 feet down the hall. Her left thigh is a mass of purple bruising but she is definitely seeing some improvement. When I meet with her PTherapist on Monday to discuss the course of action for her therapy etc (PT said 3 months healing of which first 6 weeks are critical) I will have a better handle on things.

It looks like Mom has been inspired to take things one day at a time, realizing finally that she will not be off and running by the end of the week. I am so thankful that her emotional state seems improved. I will head up there in a few minutes to see how she is doing and take her some more personal items ...

Thanks again to all.

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