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I put this here because I want everyone to see it. I know there is no one here who could be as incredibly stupid as the person I am about to mention. However, if someone comes on here and reads this, or it is shared with someone and helps in some way, then it was worth it. Before I share the story I'll let you know that God had his hand around the situation and all is well. At least for now.

My heart aches for a young boy I met last night. My kids and I were at the ball park well before game time. Our team was going to pitch a couple of youngsters who hadn't pitched before. The plan was for me to meet them early to get them well stretched and ready. It was really the only reason we were at the ball park an hour and a half before anyone else. When we arrived I was greeted in our dugout by a young boy about 8 or 9. He asked what team we were on and if we had a game. I answered and told him the name of both teams involved in the game. Well, neither was his team and did I know where his team was he asked. Nothing uncommon yet, it's a big ball park with many cages and fields so it's somewhat normal for a kid to ask around to find his teams location. Well, what the name of your team? Who's your coach? He didn't know, but he knew they had a practice tonight.

It happened that on the way to the field we had seen a team practicing at one of the elementary schools nearby. After a lot of questions and my son throwing out names of some players we figured out that that was his team. Now that we knew where he needed to be, it was just a matter of finding his parents and getting him there. Right?

As we began walking toward the main parking area I asked where his parents were. he didn't know. Well, when we get up here we'll find them. No, mom went home. Was there someone here that he knew? No. Did he have a number to get hold of mom, cell or home? No. Did she leave you here with anyone? No, she just dropped him off in the parking lot and left him to find his teammates. Ok, needless to say I'm a little upset at this point or else I wouldn't be writing this. Can this actually be happening.

At this point he tells me that he guesses he will just walk over to where the team is practicing. It's not far away, but it is not on the complex either. It's up the road about a mile and would mean he would be walking alone on a road that gets very little traffic to the school. This is not an option obviously, but the thought that he woudl do it is what made me decide I had better take him.

You see, I really didn't want to. Not because I didn't want to help him get there, but because of the example it would be setting for this young boy. I was about to ask him to get in a truck witha complete stranger and let me drive him up the road to his team. I already knew he would have no problem with it. He had shown that he trusted me from the start. How do you put this kid in your car and still make him know that what he was doing was the absolute worst possible thing he could do. What example was this setting for my kids and the few others who were now there. In my heart I wanted him to tell me that there was no way he could let me take him. I so wanted him to say he would just sit there in the stands and wait for his mom to come back. But he was going to walk if I hadn't offered to take him. I knew if I told him to stay I might lose track of him during the game and then I would have made matters worse. He didn't hesitate when I said I'd drive him to the school. My heart sank a little deeper.

I had my daughter ride with us as we drove to the school. Still searching for a way to get hold of his mom. When we got there I found his coach, a friend, and told him what had transpired. I told him the boys mother had no idea where he was now and would not know where to get him when teh time came for her to show back up. He had no way of getting to her either, but said he would bring the boy back to the ball park at the right time so she could pick him up there. I almost told him not to. In hindsight that may have been good for her. I know that sounds awful, but I was fit to be tied.

Through the entire game I watched for them to show up in the stands. My friend had said he would bring the boy back to our field when they were through so I would know he was back and his mom could pick him up there. When I saw them I was relieved. Now I was watching for the parents to show up. Every inning I looked up and was hoping I woudl be able to catch them before they left. I have no idea what I might have said, but I felt I had to say something. I missed them. While watching and coaching our game I missed them. It's probably for the best. I wasn't really ready to talk to them and it probably would not have been very productive. Better that his coach was there and could calmly expain what had taken place.

Still I wonder. Do they have any idea what they did to that child? Do they know what could have happened? Do they care? Do they realize that any training the young man had about strangers was pretty much thrown out the window because they left him alone to fend for himself? Do they know what affect their actions may have had on other kids who were there? Honestly, I hope they cried themselves to sleep last night with guilt over what they had done. I know that's wrong, and I'm sorry.

Thank you God for putting me there at that time last night. Thank you for keeping your loving hand on that young boy and making sure nothing happened to him. Thank you for taking care of all of our kids. And thank you for loving those parents and helping them understand that this can never happen again.

God bless that little boy.
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Read this and thought to myself how things have changed.

As a young boy I would leave home in San Francisco and walk to the ballpark, at that time Seals Stadium.

But as children we all showed up on our own, to play our BB games and sometimes no one there while you waited for the guys to arrive.

My point, how sad it is that we have allowed the corrupted perverts to take away the innocence of our children, and create an environment of fear that our children will be preyed upon by those corrupted perverts.

Have you had enough yet of the Liberal mentality toward teaching our children about sexual promiscuity? Maybe it's time to vote for true conservatives next election, and get perverts banned completely from our schools and our society so our children can go to the ballpark without fear from parents that there child is nothing but fodder for the perverts roaming our streets.
Thank you for sharing that. It was obviously upsetting to you, and would have been to me as well.

When my son was younger, I witnessed the same thing. Parents dropping off children, often with no coach present yet, not making sure practice was there or a responsible adult was present. The boys practiced at a field down a dead-end road outside of town. One time, another mom and I waited in our cars, chatting, watching the boys, while we awaited the coach. It was then we noticed a man sitting in a car around the side of the storage building -- doing what some men do in private. It was horrifying. Was he there because there were young boys around? We chased him off, and told the coaches so they could be aware if he ever showed up again. Truth is, I wanted to beat the **** out of him, I was so angry. (And an angry momma is not one to be messed with)

I am so glad you were there to help that young boy. He probably would have been fine. But thank God you were able to make sure. It sounds like you did every thing right. Did you tell him that under usual circumstances he shouldn't get in a stranger's vehicle? Of course, it's entirely possible the circumstance he was in was all too usual. Sad.

LL -- please don't make this a political issue. Dangers to children, from predators, traffic, peers etc. have nothing to do with "liberal" or "conservative" thought.
Deacon - I too thank you for sharing that story. We've all witnessed this type of behavior. I must say that often it does seem that God watches over them by placing angels such as yourself in their path.

I can remember a park where my son played for several years when he was young. The park was in an area that had socio economic problems. This little boy, about eight himself, would usually be hanging around the park in the evening. He had a brother who was a few years old. They lived in some apts that joined the park. Their mom worked evenings. Different folks would usually buy him a hotdog, etc., as he would hang around the park and watch ball. I've often wondered what happened to that little boy. I've often wondered if I should have done more. I hope he had lots of angels around him leading him down a path of good choices and a safe road.
Nice story.

Reminds me that I was alone all day and all weekend long from when I was 8 years old.

Went everywhere alone.

No one bothered me.

Of course, I didn't even realize that I should have been afraid when I was 8. Realized what could have happened in my 20's.

The kid will be fine. We don't know the entire story from mom's point of view.

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