Not that I have any current issue with the ‘politics’ that are played out on any given team, I wanted to get some your wise perspectives on the subject. My opinion about the issue is this...
Politics occur anywhere one goes to school, works or plays. Everybody in one form or another has been involved in situations where politics were being played out. Whether you or I like it, it is a fact of life. Personally, I think some people spend way too much energy on trying to manipulate their environment and ‘playing politics’ is one of those issues.
I share with my kids that they should always try to do their best, be respectful of others and don’t worry about the things you can’t change. Focus on yourself and don’t get caught up in taking sides or talking behind the coach’s back, but always do the best job you can for the team and let the chips falls where they may.
When I have worked as an assistant coach I have found that sometimes I am approached by players or parents who have some type of gripe with the head coach or direction the team is headed. I respect the confidentiality of our discussion, but I always stay loyal to the HC (which is what I want from my AC’s when I am the HC of the team) and explain that there are a million ways to do is what it is... One has to work within the system as it currently exists and if that means that they have to focus more on themselves to become a better player then they need to stop worrying about it and get to business working on making that happen. Control what you can control and don’t let anything else get in the way of this goal. When a player focuses more on bettering themselves they will typically improve, which gets the attention of any coach no matter what level one plays at. Consequently, the talk, bad feelings and resentment against the coach/team fades away with the additional play time that accompanies improved performance.
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