Well folks, the results are in, it was a 50/50 split for and against my post. I have requested the post be deleted as Cleveland Dad closed it as being inapropriate. I agree that specifying a particular weakness on a player was improper. However reporting the behavior that was broadcast on the internet is fair game. So without saying names I will be happy to share my thoughts on potential number one athletes.
1. Its not the money that bothers me, its what it does to the player's personality. In some cases these young people are tainted by it.
2. It gives others the false hope of making it big in sports. If they are playing baseball to make a living, its not going to happen to 99% of them. They would be better off reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad?. I advise this to many, it is a good book. And its not about being rich, but being able to retire at a decent age.
I have sent those of you that did not like my post a PM.
Pop up.
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