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I have recently received multiple complaints on this issue.

If you are a primary user of the Maryland Forums (i.e., if you live in the region and read this forum frequently and either post here or would like to post here)...

Please post your input regarding the problem (if you think there is one). You can also send me a PM or an email at



As we have discussed before, this is a privately owned website with posted rules for participation:

I've receive three complaints from three different members today, about this issue of posting behavior. When I receive complaints from several different people, I don't immediately assume they are all accurate. But I do usually wish to investigate, and assist the members if it seems necessary.

I'm investigating, and requesting feedback. Thank you for yours.

Last edited by MN-Mom
The issue I have is whenever someone expresses an opinion, they are berated by trep bear and a couple of others. I myself had some legitimate questions on here being a step dad of a new HS student and I was ripped. I was told I had other motives and my questions were seen as an attack against PG. There are a few here who believe that they are the representatives of the baseball world because they are "oldtimers". Every year thousands of kids come up through the ranks and every year thousands of us parents wonder how the system works. We need to feel welcome on the board and we need to feel like our questions will not fall on deaf ears. I don't speak for all but I use another forum for my Q & A because I am sick of getting ridiculed here. Bear and Trep fan are poor representatives of this board, this game, and the state of Maryland. I can honestly say that these guys are the reason I don't want anything to do with HS Baseball Web. This is a forum for the kids and the parents of the kids to discuss that which is HS baseball. Maybe this website is being abused to the point where we are discussing topics that are not HS related.
No reason to kick these guys when either beloved terps or highly touted, but injured son at UVA is down. The colorful commentary from either or both should not be intimidating to anyone who knows the true story behind either of these two passionate characters.
Take it with a grain of salt and try to gleen some value from the various points of view. This is what makes the world go round.
Last edited by baseball12532
Originally posted by baseball12532:
No reason to kick these guys when either beloved terps or highly touted, but injured son at UVA is down. The colorful commentary from either or both should not be intimidating to anyone who knows the true story behind either of these two passionate characters.
Take it with a grain of salt and try to gleen some value from the various points of view. This is what makes the world go round.

You missed the point!

When we express an opinion several take it upon themselves to ridicule and or berate us. Thats not the intent of this open forum for HS aged kids. Danny Hultzen is a home grown guy who I don't know from Adam but I am proud he represents his home state. In some way he inspires other from the area to be just like him and be successful. Lets talk about the good in the kid and not bash him. The "I forgot more about this and that than all of you combined" mentality is childish and it berates us all. I'm sick of it! I'm just sick of it!
Hi Julie & Friends -- I have been visiting and participating in this community for about 3 years now.

From the outset, I would see things posted by a poster named Bear, or TRhit, or Terpfan, and MANY others I can think of; and I would scratch my head at times wondering where the heck this came from, or what it meant. I would then remind myself this is an open discussion forum, that like all such forums can suffer from lack of context, and I would say -- "oh well ... that's one opinion."

When something comes across as attacking, confrontational, condecending, or just plain non-sensical, I try to remember that discussion forums and e-mail are ripe for misunderstandings of motives and intent. And sometimes, somebody might just be a little heated, or being a little sarcastic. I try not go that way ... but that's me.

Now for my point ... I have been genuinely interested in learning more about UMD Baseball. I spent the better part of an hour on the phone today with Bear -- at his invitation -- gaining lots of insights I could not have gathered in a month any other way. This only happened because of his participation in HSBBW.

I also spoke today with TRhit. TR took SP_son sight unseen onto his College Select Team last fall, which got him a lot of exposure, and he featured him in Jupiter. We value TR greatly, and he has been a great resource to our family. This too would not have happened were it not for his active participation in HSBBW.

I have met Terpfan when my son considered attending the HS his son attended, and again at a college game last spring. In our brief encounters he has been nothing but a gentleman to me, and encouraging to my son. I have every reason to believe that if I were to reach out to him to borrow of his knowledge and experience (as I have TR & Bear) that it would be forthcoming. I might be wrong, but I doubt it.

I read lots of stuff on this stie, posted by lots of people, that I personally would not post. I read lots of posts that come across as too harsh at times, or as unwarranted rants. That comes with the territory of a public forum that lacks the context of real-time, interpersonal dialogue.

Before we begin running people out of the community, let's double check to ask whether or not our skin is too thin; or that we might not be understanding properly; and to remember that we can just choose to ignore what any poster writes.

Heck, if we ran out everyone whose style and posts offends somebody else, there wouldn't be many folks left here other than Julie, Coach May, PGStaff, CD and Krak ... and each of them can probalby think of folks who have taken offense from something they wrote.

I know I'd be long gone for sure, for the long posts I write ... Sorry Smile. Just thought I might add some context to this discussion.
Last edited by southpaw_dad
Lets talk about the good in the kid and not bash him. The "I forgot more about this and that than all of you combined" mentality is childish and it berates us all. I'm sick of it! I'm just sick of it!

Please no hissy fits.

If you read Baseball12532 and SPD's posts you might learn something. If you came here to seek validation about your existing views , you won't.
What makes this site so special are the different personalities here. People from all over this country. People from all levels and backgrounds in the game and life. There are many who could post with no screen name and I would know exactly who it was. They have their own style and their own way of getting their points across. Again this is what makes this site so special imo.

I know exactly what I am going to get from TR. The same can be said of Trepfan and Bear. They are straight shooters who could careless if you like what they have to say or not. They are not here to win a popularity contest. They are not here to make people feel good about themselves. They simply tell it like they see it and if you dont like it so be it.

If your a new poster and you get your feelings hurt then learn to toughen up a bit. If you dont like the way they post stay away from threads they are posting on. If your asking a question and you dont like the answer so what? You didnt pay one dime for the information you got. Move on and read and if you learn something that helps you great and if you dont you have not lost a thing in the process.

It shouldnt take you very long to figure out who you are dealing with. If its someone that you dont want to deal with then change the channel. If its a thread that upsets you move to another thread. If you read long enough and stick around long enough you will find those that you relate to and you can hang with those folks. You might just find out that the people you had a problem with were some of the guys most capable of giving you advice that would help you. You might not but so what?

We dont vote people off this site because we dont like them. We dont vote people off this site because they dont post the way we want them to post. We dont vote people off this site because their personality is different than our own. And we dont vote people off this site just because they dont tell us what we want to hear.

If you dont like something no one is making you read it or be a part of it. Move on to another thread. TR and Bear are who they are. They are not going to change for you or anyone else. At least you know exactly what you are going to get. They are not going to sugar coat it. Thats just their syle. If you dont like it dont read it or post on the thread. If you cant handle it there are plenty of other people on here you can talk with.

If you post something and get BS called on you so what. Deal with it. Dont get mad at people for being who they are. Do you hang out with people you dont like in your personal life? Then dont hang out with them here. Find the ones you do like and hang with them. You will be much safer. You might not learn as much but you will be safer. Hope your feelings are better soon.

    "Woody....are you out there?"

Funny you should ask that baseballguy because that is exactly the question rattling around in Bear's head regarding my sexual orientation! See the Men Only forum's Drinking Beer - Warning for Girly Men thread started by Bear.

I had responded with some posts there, but for whatever reason Bear has linked Girly and Man together like peanut butter and jelly when it comes to what he thinks of me.

I have no interest at all in what Bear thinks of me. When he repeatedly called me a Girly + Man I decided his comments were a reflection of him and since he does not know me his opinion was worthless.

To avoid an ugly situation I decided to delete my comments in that thread and then I put Bear on my ignore list. Problem solved. He is free to go about doing whatever it is that he does and I can do the same.

I think this solution would apply to many other HSBBW members who desire not to be interfered with by Bear or other members. It works!

Here's a guess of what the image in Bear's mind is in regards to myself...

    gotwood4sale is a Girly + Man

Remember..."Call Roto-Rooter®, that's the name! And away go troubles down the drain!"


Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
Funny you should ask that baseballguy because that is exactly the question rattling around in Bear's head regarding my sexual orientation! See the Men Only forum's Drinking Beer - Warning for Girly Men thread started by Bear.

Your approach certainly water-downed the flames
as suggested by basesballguy.

So try this out

1. I am too frickin old and forgetting more and more daily, however, nice spin you have.

2. As posted in the Men's Room remains a pretty d_ good frickin joke on Beer Drinking and Female Harmones.

3. As captured, and since you were unable to delete it, it was you, who initiated the sparing, and that too was comical.

4. Your post here is evident of the inability to handle any poke back.

5. For an imposter who has not come to terms with a se^ual identity, and for someone who posts all over the Ladies room, your gig and pics were funny, yet now have become old, stale, and use up way to much server space.

6. And quite frankly, I don't give a sh^t about your lying, approach to hiding posts, nor your se^ual identity.

7. And many have come to terms with such lack of knowledge and baseball experiences to share.

Go Cubbies, And since you don't know Go Cubs Go, may this help you out
Last edited by Bear

I woke up this morning and pulled back the covers to this post by Bear. I had purposely hidden it by my use of the Ignore button. Now it is unveiled and chirping for some attention.

I can see that Bear wants me to try out a few things, so on this beautiful Sunday morning I'll oblige.
    1. I am too frickin old and forgetting more and more daily, however, nice spin you have.
    I'm right there with you Bear. Getting old and forgetting things is inevitable if I remember correctly. For example. Am I Catholic? Tough call...I don't remember. Does that stop me from eating fish on Friday? Or is it Monday? No every day of the week. Cover all those bases. And concerning my spin, thanks for the compliment.

    2. As posted in the Men's Room remains a pretty d_ good frickin joke on Beer Drinking and Female Harmones.
    I absolutely agree with you Bear.

    3. As captured, and since you were unable to delete it, it was you, who initiated the sparing, and that too was comical.
    I'm with you right here on this one too Bear. I'm glad you enjoyed my responses to you. I enjoyed thinking them up and posting them. They certainly prompted a singular focused response from you.

    4. Your post here is evident of the inability to handle any poke back.
    Sorry Bear...I can't agree with you here. Having worked in the woods for ten years when I was quite a bit younger I received and could handle any poke back from those second growth Douglas-firs with their wiry and stinging dying and dead lower branches. Several times a day along the wet and windy Oregon Coast my voice could be heard screaming at those firs. Letting them know just what they could do with those wicked limbs. Saw log grades be d@mned...stuff those wire whips back inside or drop them to the ground where the microbes can feast on them. I didn't like those poke backs, but poke bellies are a different story. I like them. Drop them in the skillet where my crobes can feast on them.

    5. For an imposter who has not come to terms with a se^ual identity, and for someone who posts all over the Ladies room, your gig and pics were funny, yet now have become old, stale, and use up way to much server space.
    Again Bear...I can not agree, sorry. Maybe your opinion here is a result of something you have forgotten? By the way...would you care for another piece of snapper?

    6. And quite frankly, I don't give a sh^t about your lying, approach to hiding posts, nor your se^ual identity.
    And for all of that I am really happy for you Bear.

    7. And many have come to terms with such lack of knowledge and baseball experiences to share.
    Many? Where are they Bear? Parking Lot C?

    Go Cubbies, And since you don't know Go Cubs Go, may this help you out
    Clark and Addison...or is it Addison and Clark? Lewis and Clark? The Monroe Doctrine? Speak softly and have an account with Hillerich & Bradsby®.

Let's face it. We're just two old men Bear...heading off into the sunset. Separate bunks of course. One old codger with an even more strange sense of humor than the other. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Did you hear that noise Bear? That sound. It's like an old Wilson® Nellie Fox mitt snagging a well hit, muddy and thoroughly water-logged, line drive just behind the sewer grate at the curb. That grate serving as third base once more...never revealing any wear from the thousands of times it was tagged and stomped by all of those different sized high top Keds©. Yup that noise Bear. That was me this morning. Rearranging my sleep marinated face and cracking a wide smile. Yes siree Bear...another day, another helping of fish. Lutefisk...that counts, right?

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I don't care if he's the Pope. That gives him no right to belittle, abuse, and harass me or anyone on here who posts something that he disagrees with. I've been the recipient of this treatment and I don't appreciate it and I won't tolerate it. I come on here and read and occasionally post for enjoyment. I believe that there's no need for this type of behavior. I don't want anyone gone, I just want and expect them to exchange ideas and information in a mature, intelligent, and professional manner. If they can't do that, then something needs to be done.
Last edited by R Ringer
It is not being thin skinned. I guess it is just trying to understand why when you come to message boards to ask questions or make a comment on a post you have to get replies like we talk about. I guess people make the comments because they can hide behind the computer. It makes them feel good to give folks **** like that. May be it is just a way for them to feel good about there own little life or makes them feel better than everyone else.
Bear is one of the few that is all about the kids . He will help anyone any time. If you want to look at someone look at John - JSPARAK . Berating teenagers spreading gossip and talking about them as though they are cattle. It is sickening to see KIDS discussed in this manner . He has been called out on the other forum by parents that needed to log on for the first time to correct his gossip . They are kids . Not major league players and not cattle .
I agree with Hit It here! Bear is all about the kids! He ran/hosted the Bear classic for years and NEVER Made a penny! He also NEVER charged anything for the teams to come to Shipley and play a great tournament for a weekend! If the UMD administration did not price him out he would still be doing this for the kids. He also would without hesitation, help any player with advice if there were so inclined to speak with him.
I guess some of you posters don't like to hear Bear "tell it like it is" to you. He is not going to sugar coat it if you talk BS. He knows his baseball and probably watches more games locally than most of the posters combined. If you are going to voice an opinion that doesn't have a lot of validity he is going to call you on it.

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