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What do you mean by "Here we go again"?

My son is a sophomore who dresses out for and sometimes gets into varsity games. Just like many other sophomores on his team. We were trying to figure out what varsity players would get cut from the playoff roster and then how many open spots there would be for sophomores.

So, to answer your question, yes. His spot on the playoff roster is in jeopardy because of the 20 player limit.
MST is that from the Florida rules or NFHS rules? Reason I ask is that when I was in Kentucky we were allowed no more than 24 on the lineup card. We could actually put every single person from the Freshman team to the varsity team on the eligibility sheet but only 24 could be in the dugout, dressed and on the lineup card.

David first and most importantly welcome to the HSBBALLWEB because it's really a great place. What most of us see on here is some dad or mom who always thinks their kid is the greatest in the world. The only reason their son doesn't get to play is some kind of conspiracy by the coach with the booster club parents and possibly even President Obama (and Kennedy because he's actually still alive somewhere). It gets a little hard to see sometimes.

I don't know what the reasoning for your question and based on what you put it sounds like a legit question. But some of us on here get tired of hearing the same old, same old of excuses of why their son isn't playing. I'm not saying that you are doing this but it's been said MANY times before. What these parents don't realize is they are crippling their kid when they become an adult. They have been told all their life that others are to blame for them not playing. It manifests itself into a long line of failures by the kid and they never look into the mirror to and ask "what else could I have done to make myself better". I see it all the time as a high school coach.

I understand that you are trying to figure out if your son has a chance at the postseason roster for the varsity team. There is nothing wrong with that and most people do that whether they realize it or not. But here is where you can help your son become a man - if he ends up being one that is not kept then tell him it's not the end of the world and he just has to work a little harder to make it next year. And if he does end up on the roster he will probably not get to play that much based on the fact he sometimes dresses varsity. Tell him to be a great teammate and always support everyone. It's special to be on a team in the playoffs and if he soaks up the atmosphere while on the bench it will help prepare him for next season.

Also, this is by no means meant to be an answer for TRHit. This is just my take as to what he said in response to your opening question. Please stick around and post often because you can learn something in here and we can learn something from you. It really is a great place.
This question made me wonder what if any limitations our state has. I checked and couldn't find anything.

My son's school team has 26 players. All 26 dress for varsity and 14 of those 26 dress for JV. He hasn't played an inning of varsity and I don't expect he will unless there are multiple injuries. He warms up varsity pitchers in the bullpen and sometimes between innings while the catcher gets ready. His school has not been to the state tournament for a few years but look to have a good chance this year.

I hope he is on the roster for the state tournament if applicable just so he can experience the stadium and possibly receive a few warmup pitches behind home plate there.
Last edited by bkekcs
Coach 2709
Thanks for the great reply. You must be familiar with my son's school to know there is some sort of conspiracy / a*S kissing going on that will keep him from playing varsity Smile

But seriously, it was just an attempt to figure out the chance of him dressing and being on the bench come that time of the year. I am my son's harshest critic when ever he complains and tries to put blame on others. That is not to say that there isn't some sort of of the former mentioned going on. I just don't let him use that as an excuse.

To make it short, I agree with everything you said. Enjoy the ride while you are there and just pray that you can do the same thing in some college before real life takes over.


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