Trying to get son ready for the move to BBCOR. Currently swings a 31" and variations of drops. We are at a -5 composite and he now has a 31/28 wood which he swings pretty well. My question is about practicing with a heavier bat to make BBCOR seem lighter. Some say that using a heavier bat will mess up timing of your swing if you drop down to a lighter bat. Others say to pay attention to fundamentals and he should be ok. We tried an experiment moving from the -5 to his -10 and he ended his smaller-field career with 4 HR's in 3 games. The move was for fun and experiment but his timing certainly was not off. His bat speed was faster, though, and the balls were going much further. He commented it was like a bat on steroids and made a pledge to work on bat speed.
His mechanics are pretty sound (continual work of course) and I was thinking about getting an even weighted bat for him to take swings with, like a 32/32. His first BBCOR will probably be a 32". He will be using a -5 until BBCOR. It would be fun to make that -5 seem like the -10. Would love thoughts from anyone that has tried this and has some thoughts. (Son is 5'6", 120lb. athletic build).