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I sure do miss watching my sons play baseball. It feels like it has been forever! I had 3 boys playing at the same time once. Now, while I truly am blessed to have one still in the game, I am starved of the ability to watch.

All those years at High School sitting back in my chair with my feet on the fence behind Home Plate. Not a real care in the world, lost in the game, watching my boys. I was one of those that would show up and enjoy watching practice. Just because I enjoyed seeing my son play. Infield/Outfield and BP. How I miss those days.

Then came college and two dropped out of baseball, interests and injuries. Yet I could still find myself each and every weekend and mid-week at a field watching baseball. Watching my son play the game.

Life moves on and can pass you by. Take the time to enjoy each and every game you can this season, and every season you are granted.

My son is in Arizona, and God willing will break camp and get assigned to a team in North Carolina. This year we will make a greater effort to get out to more of his games.

I want to once again have the opportunity to sit back, prop up my feet and watch my son play the game of baseball. It became such a part of our lives together over many, many years.

I know one day it truly will be over for good, no more sons on the field of play. How I hope and pray that I am a much older man when that day arrives! Until then, I dream of days at the ball field, watching my son smile a smile seen few other places than on a baseball field

The Journey Continues!

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You just made my day and brought tears to my eyes.  My son is the starting pitcher today for a game in which his team is the overwhelming underdog and I've been stressing about it since I heard he'd be on the mound.  Your post literally took all of that stress away (at least until I get to the ball field!).  Thank you!

Floridafan, what a powerful post. Hit kind of close to home. Last few years son has been hit by injury bug just as he heats up. Could be because he plays with his foot mashed down on the gas pedal, but at every injury we thought maybe this is it. He is a redshirt Junior in college now and my wife and I try to get to as many games as we can. Even if that means waking up early on Saturday morning and driving 4 or 5 hours to a doubleheader. There isn't no reset button on this, when its over its over.

Great post FF, I am having slow withdrawals, sprinkled in with a few spring training visits to the back fields in Port Charlotte.  Just enjoy today for today vs. forecasting what will happen next is the key to my happiness. I tell the lad the same thing, breathe deep and win the day today - tomorrow will take care of itself. Always has. Life is too short.


Enjoy all you High School parents!

I have four sons, all pitchers, one playing at a great JUCO, a sr in high school that has already signed for next year, a soph that is playing on the varisty with his brother, and an 8th grader that his brothers think will be the best....... I am enjoying every day , every game, every inning, every pitch, wearing out tires, driving all over the southeast.


I am  blessed.


BTW, the JUCO won his second game yesterday, and the sr won his first game yesterday I watched the JUCO game on the internet and then the HS game in person.



I read your post and felt a kindred spirit. Like me, you were there simply to watch and be a part of the lives of your children. Nothing more, nothing less. The thing that most struck me was these two sentences. I was one of those that would show up and enjoy watching practice. Just because I enjoyed seeing my son play.


Because I felt the same way, I could never really understand why so many people get so upset about parents who want to do the same thing.

Wow, great posts.  My story isn't quite to that level, as my son is still in school....but until you find out you're not going to see him play when you thought you were, you don't realize how much you look forward to the games.   My son is a junior in HS....will be the starting SS again...and do some pitching.  He was playing in the state CYO basketball tournament on Sunday and injured his thumb late in the second quarter.  He got it taped up...came out after the half, tried to throw a couple passes....cut the tape off and grabbed an ice pack.  I knew it was I walked over to take a look.  He had broken it 3 or 4 years ago...and we both knew looking at it that it was broken again. He sat on the bench the entire second half, blindly staring off into the crowd.  I think some of it was because he wasn't playing in the game...and they ended up losing the championship...but I'm fairly certain it was because he knew that a 3-4 week recovery would cause him to miss the start of baseball season.  I know we lost the game...but I can barely tell you anything about the second half.  I was thinking about baseball...and how our starting catcher last season broke his thumb....had surgery and missed half the year. I couldn't fathom what would happen if he got news like that, though I kept trying to convince myself it wasn't going to be nearly that bad.   Yesterday he got it checked out....broken....out at least until the end of the month.  Best case scenario he misses 2 games....worst....who it will be reevaluated on the 31st.  Can't tell you how hard it's going to be for him (and me) sitting at the first game and he being on the bench.  Don't even want to think about what it will be like if for some reason he doesn't heal properly.  He lives for this sport...and has waited thru this ridiculous winter we've had and just wanted to be able to get on the field.  Hopefully it's not long.

My 2017 plays Hockey, Baseball, and Football.  My other 2017 plays Lacrosse.  My favorite thing in the world is to grab my chair, put my feet up on the fence, and watch my 2017 play (practice or game). 


I have a pretty stressful job, and being able to just relax at the baseball field is great.  I cannot do that at the other sports.

When you raise good kids, you like being around them all the time. You learn to enjoy the little things, not the 3 run walk off, or the no hitter, but the little stuff that tells you you life is good. I have literally sat 300 yards away before eating sunflower seeds having a game on the radio, and not even know who was who on the field, but enjoying every second of it.

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