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Anyone with Predictions???

I have several just from here say locally. Some already accused for a while now and I wouldn't be shocked to see more pitchers than regular position players.

1) Pettitte
2) Brett Boone
3) Jay Payton( many Mets for his time there)
4) Clemens ( wouldn't be surprised)
5) Jason Kendall
6) Luis Gonzalez
7) The Giles Brothers( rumored since HighSchool)
8) AROD (wouldn't shock me but will make me sad)
9) Man Ram ( Juan Gonzalez was with him at Cleveland I believe)
10) Mike Lowell ( already rumored would be bad since he just won W.S. MVP.).

What this means to me as a fan, everyone was doing it in one form or another. We are talking about improving your performance to make millions on a contract year. Javy Lopez comes to mind along with Adrian Beltre. Both had monster years during their contract year and bottomed out the following year.

Anyone else before the report come out???
- "Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth"." - Roberto Clemente
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Great guy, based on his character you'd say there's no way he'd have taken steroids, but he did get big and he did have that strong recovery and a surprisingly good final season. I grew up an Angels fan and was a "junior Angel" back when they became a major league team and were playing at Dodger stadium. Other than Jim Fregosi, Salmon was probably my favorite player so I'm hoping the size and strong finish to his career was the result of nothing but hard work and desire.
Last edited by CADad
Originally posted by CADad:
Great guy, based on his character you'd say there's no way he'd have taken steroids, but he did get big and he did have that strong recovery and a surprisingly good final season. I grew up an Angels fan and was a "junior Angel" back when they became a major league team and were playing at Dodger stadium. Other than Jim Fregosi, Salmon was probably my favorite player so I'm hoping the size and strong finish to his career was the result of nothing but hard work and desire.

I dont know what Tim took or didnt take, but I do know hes a great guy. He contributed a great deal to our school, and was beloved by our entire team.
I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for the players. Who I think shuld be fired (not suspended) is all the HS and college coaches and MLB scouts that that have fostered the idea that being big is the only way to make it to the next level.

IMHO, HS and college coaches fear they'll loose the respect of scouts (and any attention they might pay them) if they push a smaller guy and scouts fear for their jobs if they recommend a smaller guy.
Originally posted by TripleDad:
Big guys hitting bombs puts Azzes in the seats, and Don't forget ESPN WEB JEM sponsored by $$Budweiser$$-$$Ford$$-$$VISA$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I love the "web gems" segment of the program because it's defense but I think you've hit on something here. Virtually all TV programs save their best stuff for last (and that's when the web gems segment is shown). If home runs are what's bringing fans to the ball parks, then why has ESPN obviously determined that the "Web Gems" are the most entertaining part of their program. I think there alot more fans out there than the MLB thinks that would like to see the return of small ball.
It's a list, it's hearsay, he said, you said, they said, you would have to PROVE it to change any records.

The only thing it does (and it's about time), is showing just how big the monster is/was.

If the public sees it as an outrage, there will be changes in policies and stiff testing and penalties, if they don't care, business as usual.

I don't care what was, for every name on the list there's plenty more that kept it quiet.

Changes have to be made I don't know what that would entail, but if not, baseball is going to suffer greater than it did after the strike.

I want our kids to work in a fair environment where everyone gets equal chance based on ability and not something enhancing that ability or their recovery.

To me Mr. Mitchell's most important comment was how many young people are taking steroids. What do you say to a kid who knows that the person that gets the big money and beat him out is a user. I've reminded my son many times and I think I raised him well and I can only hope and pray he never does this junk. However, how many of us (being honest) looking at the potential of millions of dollars wouldn't at the very least be tempted.
His high school coaches have already told him to get bigger. Nothing specific just size. They don't seem to realize that size is only one thing that goes into making a good baseball player. That he showed much more power than any of the so called studs during the summer doesn't seem to matter. Just get bigger.
Originally posted by bb1:
To me Mr. Mitchell's most important comment was how many young people are taking steroids. What do you say to a kid who knows that the person that gets the big money and beat him out is a user. I've reminded my son many times and I think I raised him well and I can only hope and pray he never does this junk. However, how many of us (being honest) looking at the potential of millions of dollars wouldn't at the very least be tempted.
His high school coaches have already told him to get bigger. Nothing specific just size. They don't seem to realize that size is only one thing that goes into making a good baseball player. That he showed much more power than any of the so called studs during the summer doesn't seem to matter. Just get bigger.

Son came back from the Alaska Baseball League in August with a 0.99 ERA. Didn't allow one extra base hit all summer. .150 OBA. Made the All-star Team. Being told at D1 he's at that he's got virtually no chance to go any further due to his size. Started supplements last week. That's the way it works.
What do you say to a kid who knows that the person that gets the big money and beat him out is a user. I've reminded my son many times and I think I raised him well and I can only hope and pray he never does this junk. However, how many of us (being honest) looking at the potential of millions of dollars wouldn't at the very least be tempted.
When the NFL went through their enhancement scandal era a poll was done of high school athletes. The question was (paraphrasing): Would you take steroids to become a professional athlete if you knew you would die at age sixty. About 70% said yes.

[Son came back from the Alaska Baseball League in August with a 0.99 ERA. Didn't allow one extra base hit all summer. .150 OBA. Made the All-star Team. Being told at D1 he's at that he's got virtually no chance to go any further due to his size. Started supplements last week. That's the way it works]

I've investigated supplements a few times after reading some other posts and every time I've come to the same conclusion. There is no substitute for hard work. Keep him working hard, someone will notice and he can prove them wrong.

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