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I would like some advice on how to have 2014 prepare for individual college showcases. He has been invited to quite a few but we have narrowed it down to 5 that have shown him interest. He is going to over next 9 weeks. Summer season is done, been over for a week. He is a RHP prospect for mid level D1's and a 2 way prospect for D2 (he is going to 4 D1's,and 1 D2). Fall ball is basically non existent in SW ohio. There is one league and it is not a good one. And that one doesn't start until late August, so if he were to play in it, 2 of showcases would be over already


He tends to show very well in games but only ok in showcases we have been too. He kind of needs to "warm up" on the mound when pitching (if anyone can tell me why that is that would be great!) and so when he pitches for 1 inning or 5 batters he is "ok".


No offers yet he is in the "next tier" of players in Ohio, but seems to have lots of interest from some specific shools (about 8 or 9 mid D1 and D2).


He and I are kind of lost of what his routines should be to get ready for these showcases at college. He does well getting ready for  playing games but gearing up for a showcase seems to be different.

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He and I are kind of lost of what his routines should be to get ready for these showcases at college. He does well getting ready for  playing games but gearing up for a showcase seems to be different





We made the difficult decision (in the early summer before senior year) not to play Fall travel ball with his travel team.  His travel team did not offer the academic exposure he sought.  We  thought he would get better exposure to his target schools going to individual showcases and prospect camps.  This turned into a very good gamble for us a few years ago..


My son continued his long toss drills, and throwing routines.   He continued to work out in the gym, and did his running at a local middle school track.  Every week he'd throw a mock bullpen session (typically mid-week) off a mound with myself, other son or at our local baseball academy.


In our showcase experience, they will send you down to the bullpen with a catcher to adequately warm up.  If your son uses bands to get lose, bring them.   Typically, the catcher that warms you up will be the catcher that goes into the showcase game.  Everybody's warm up routine is different.  Most players do a light jog, and then start stretching the legs, core and then upper body before they start throwing.  Flexibility is huge with pitchers.  Most college starting pitchers take 25-30 minutes to warm up.


Good luck with your showcase season.

Thanks Fenway. interesting that most college pitchers take 25-30 minutes to warm up. He is no where near that I don't think. the usual stretching, pre game long toss with team, then warming up but that is usally 15 minutes or less. Maybe he needs to treat his warm up like usal, then add "an inning" of hard game like throwing to get over that "warm up" on mound.


He has never played fall ball befor last year an that was a showcase type thing with games. It did wonders for his recognition with colleges, but weusually use that time for him to be a kid since he plays basketball and that starts up in October. He recognized that this fall is important to his recruitment, so he is starting up bullpens this weekend (too a week off to relax) with a HS friend /catcher. and they will hit as well. i have NO desire to catch him. that just means bruises on me, and him being frustarted that I can't catch him

I get where everyone is coming from here, but I guess my question is......when did playing baseball no longer qualify as "being a kid"?


Separately, I think showcases and clinics in the fall of 2013 are more for 2015 and younger than 2014. Lightning can always strike, but most D1s at least have things pretty well wrapped up by September I think

Green light playing baseball is definitely part of being a kid, especially to my 2014. He loves baseball, talks about it all the time. But for him from mid March thru end of July it is all comsumming and he likes it that way. In august he is getting to do things like go camping with his buddies, spend time with his GF more, play pick up basketball and tennis with his friends, stuf flike that which is stuff he doesn't get to do during baseball season. he wouldn't trade his baseball time  for anything but he does like to do those kinds of things as well and that is what I meant by being a kid.


I agree that a lot of D1 may be done. Like I said no offers but lots of conversations still. as I looked back at the ranking of Ohio kids from past 2 years, roughly 80 were signed D1. to date in Ohio, there are less than 35 that have verballed so at least in Ohio, I think there is still time. I DO think by end of October they will be done. tat may not be true in other parts of country, I have no idea

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