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My daughter's 9-10 softball team had a game today. I'm not a coach, just a practice helper or bullpen helper on game days.

The other coach chose to pull his entire infield into within 30 feet of the batter in the 4th inning. We had bases loaded, and it was one out. We were ahead 10-6. After the first pitch went by, I felt compelled to yell to the batter (which I never do!) to take a good solid compact swing to show the other coach why he was doing something to jeopardize his girl's safety. BTW, no bunting in 9-10 softball, and everybody knows it.

As soon as I said something, he called time and told his girls to go back to their regular positions. Don't know if I struck a nerve at that point or what?

After the game, he sought me out...and I'm not a coach of our team remember. He wanted to explain that he uses this technique once in a while to intimidate the opposing team's hitter. At that point, I asked him to stop talking because I was getting really mad, after not being mad at all. I told him I thought that was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard and that he should take a long look in the mirror when he gets home. I told him not only was he gambling with the health of 9-10 year olds, who don't have the reflexes to react to a ball from 30 feet, but that he also demonstrated poor decision making when he mentioned something about intimidating a 9 or 10 year old.

At that point, parents from both sides could hear what I was saying. I was not yelling, cause I didn't feel the need to make a spectacle of the whole thing. He looked at me, thanked me for the advice, and then walked back to his dugout to gather the team gear.

A number of his parents gathered around me to thank me for saying something. I asked them why they hadn't said anything before, since clearly he has done this before? Not a peep from any of them. I walked away just shaking my head.
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You get guys like this sometimes. It could be he thought he'd happened upon a great idea, without really thinking about it. If so, then hopefully you made him think about it and what the consequences could have been. You wouldn't think it would be too complicated to think this thing through, but people are strange, maybe he only got half-way through it.

Or maybe he's just a jerk. Chances are good for that, since some people are afraid of jerks, which could be why no-one said anything to him before. They probably figured - "he's the coach, he knows what he's doing."

Nice to put a chink in the armor, isn't it?
Please don't take this as me defending this guy because I am not. In baseball you sometimes have to play the infield in for a possible play at the plate. Basically you put the infield at the edge of the infield grass. You hurt yourself because if the ball is not hit at you or weak enough to reach then you have no chance. Sometimes they still smoke the ball at the fielders. I doubt this is the situation with the guy you mentioned or even if that is a legitimate strategy in softball since you are already in so close.

I really don't know why I responded but I hope I didn't offend you.
Hopefully he took your commenst to heart, and applied when necessary. It's one thing to play a certain way in order to pull off a play - his explanation is a joke - it's ludicrous to gain success in a game via intimidation, particularly at that age level. It should still be all about learnign the game and improving at that age, not doing whatever it takes to win.

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