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Just a reminder that Colin Lynch is running a Preseason Pitching Clinic that starts Sunday February 7th and runs on Sundays to the start of the high school baseball season. Colin is really good with the kids and teaches them many aspects of the game which commonly are overlooked or deemed unimportant. Here is a chance for your high school pitcher to work with a guy currently in the minor leagues working his way up. Visit for more info we have an Ad on our home page.
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Here is a sample of what your kids will be working with, this is an email he sent to all participants earlier this week:

From Colin Lynch:

Hey Everyone,

Well Sunday is almost here and we have a great group of guys signed up and ready to go. First I want to give you an idea of what we are trying to accomplish. Our main goal is to get our arms into shape and prepare them for the upcoming tryouts and season. If you guys have already started throwing, that is great and you will be able to work our program into your throwing schedule. If you have not already started throwing, that is OK because we will be taking it slow the first few sessions. I'll talk more about how to incorporate our sessions into your throwing program when we are all together. We will be throwing bullpens, but probably not until our 3rd session. We will be throwing flat ground bullpens at about 70 % effort with a partner just to get our feel back and to work on our mechanics. We will also be doing some conditioning (nothing too heavy) and some core workouts. Having strong legs and a solid core only take unneeded stress off of the
arm. As tryouts near, we will also be doing some PFP's and some pick offs just to get used to handling the ball so it doesn't feel brand new at tryouts.

Again visit, all the info you need is on our home page.
I'll put a plug in for Colin to see if more pitchers are out there from the area who want to get ready for the baseball season. Colin was Kyles piching coach in the showcase league and than he went to his pitching camp previously in Nov / December. Colin in his Pitching clinics has used much of the strengthening/ conditioning techniques used by the SD Padres / St Johns and it has helped Kyle tremendously. To try and get 3-4 mph velocity on your fastball added each year Pitchers need to work out during the Winter months and start getting there arm conditioned and ready for the Spring baseball to start. For anyone that thinks they can show up on tryout day and think there ready for the season and think they have improved than there in for a rude awakening. It's tough in the Northeast to get out and throw and keep up with the rest of the country that can throw 10-11 months out of the year. Anyone out there looking to improve on he mound and taken advantage of Colin's Pro level program it's only $125.00 for 6 Sundays and it's only 14 mi North to Manch and you'll be glad you went. Kyle will see if he can get Kevin McGowen and some others from NN to go.

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