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6 Summer and 6 Fall select team fee's - around, oh, that's too much to type, my wife may read this.

Bats, balls, cleats, trips out of town - Enough for a year of college

Private Lessons - I could help pay down the national debt.

Watching your son play at the Ball Park in Arlington - PRICELESS

I have a lot of things I could say wrong about how the Rangers run their organization....but this is one of the great things. Allowing a bunch of High School teams to play there, and to boot, the Rangers and the HS Teams make some dough.

My son will remember this the rest of his life, and so will I.

A lot of thanks to the Rangers Organization.

Keller won 8-3 and they are starting to look sharp.

And a big thanks to Lynn Vanlandingham, who coached my son thru his formative years. A lot of the reason why my son is the player he is today is because of his dedication to the boys he coached the last 3+ years here in the Metroplex.

Lynn's son Brooks is a HS Teamate of my son, and his wife took a great picture of the boys with him tonight. We forgive him for wearing his Tech cap. Big Grin

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