I have been reading this board for almost two years and Beenthere's son's journey has been so interesting to follow. We all thought he would end up in Been's beloved SEC, and then he suddenly opted for probably the finest one or two academic institutions in the country. (As a Harvard alum I am allowed to say that

) Been has done such a graceful job of throwing his support 100% behind his son's decision and it has been fun to watch him climb on the Princeton bandwagon and be a great fan. He is having a great time!
So although I disagree with Iscream's assessment of Beenthere, I understand where he is coming from in a more general sense because in fact there are boastful people here. And before anyone jumps on me again, it is NOT envy that makes me say that!!! Those few people on this board who know my son and all of his accomplishments know that I have NO reason to envy anyone and that I am one of the proudest moms on this planet. It is just, as I said above, that some people are more comfortable with this than others and I just can't talk about it, I just bask in it privately.
I think that we less public proud parents all have to have a bemused tolerance of the boasters (that "ignore button" that was pointed out above, and that I took literally!!), and the boasters perhaps need to remember once in a while that everyone already KNOWS how great their kids are.
At the same time, I agree with those who have pointed out that part of what makes this such an upbeat place to come, is all the excitement that these proud parents bring to their posts about games, and also about other wonderful aspects of their sons. Also, sharing the decision-making process has been SO informative and helpful.
Come on, we're all here because we are supporting our son's love for baseball, and we can all put up with a little bit of boasting and a little bit of complaining about it.