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Good to see you have come to the relaization regarding the IVY product--

Too bad NYMOM has not seen that post --LOL

Good luck to Ryan next fall--I think you have already met Steve Richter from SI Academy who pitched with us in the fall--he is headed to Princeton in the fall as well
Last edited by TRhit

My tolerance threshold has been exceeded. I am curiously amused, but also irritated by your incessant crowing about where your son will be matriculating this fall. While you should be genuinely proud of your son's accomplishments, your ceaseless broadcasting of his acceptance into Princeton has become unbearable.

I ran a search across the entire board. I found 12 direct and indirect references written by you about the successful choice your son made. Twice in the last week in 2 different threads.(There would be more but as conversation threads age they are either discarded or archived.) Have you no sensitivity? While you continue to boast on your son's accomplishments, there are many hsbbweb members/parents still searching and hoping for a college baseball team to find interest in their son.

You would do well to stand down and let your son's accomplishments, in baseball and the classroom, speak for themselves.

Best of luck to your son.
I scream..

An acceptance to Princeton, with or without athletics is something to be proud of for any parent. I don't always agree with Been, but I have learned over time, that is him and let it be, he is after all entitled to his words but in this case, I am 100% behind him, he has the right to tell all..

A large part of this site is to cheer on all the members sons, whether they are in LL, HS, College or Pro ball.. Heck I brag more about other players sons than my own LOL )see my posts on WOF's son, Bob's, OPP's, Jolly Roger and all the rest.. We cheer on those who chose other roads besides the one between the white lines as well, and I often ask or think about posters sons like Greg's, who chose the AFA over baseball, or HV's son who has risen above every adversity thrown at him and earned a scholarship to college without sports..

We are a family, extended, and some may never meet each other but family just the same.. I get so excited when watching a college game against a posters son, not because of the game itself but for another opportunity to watch a websters son play, and often to meet the websters.. It meant a great deal to me when OriolesFan came all the way out to a WVU game to see my son, knowing he may not even play.. It meant tons when Bob and I shared a few games together and I got to see his son play one of his last games in College..

You will form relationships on this board over time (I see your new here) and then you also will cheer on, announce accompishments of others sons, etc.. Its all part of this site..

Best of luck to your son in his search for his school, let us know what we can do to help you thru the process, as that is why we are here as well.
Last edited by Justmom

Youscream and now I scream:

If I get a kid into Princeton, I'll scream ... and maybe even use capital letters.

Beenthere is happy with his son's selection ... and we're happy for him. In fact, the only time I won't outright root for him will be if the Tigers ever have the opportunity to play Norfolk State. And I don't ever know Beenthere.

But that's how it is for most everyone on there boards.

And please remember, it was a baseball guy who said "if you can do it, it ain't bragging."
Originally posted by Who'sOnFirst:
U go girl!

Go Cocks!

OmahaBound Mom

Donna - Please tell me you really headed to Omaha this year!! Get me a shirt will ya??

Love and wishes to Michael.. I'm rooting for him and SC all the way!!! I see a SC vs. TX final myself Big Grin

Must be the #7 hehehe

ps - IM me sometime (same AOL name) need to talk about something

Just my personal opinion...
The notion that we should not celebrate in the accomplishment of Beenthere's son is a "rec ball" mentality which has practically killed me.
We stress the importance of, the necessity of, working hard in the classroom and developing a work ethic on the field which is second to none.
Couple that with some genetic blessings and
Voila! Princeton is the destination.

The feel good matter what the sacrifices and comittment to improving have been...have been the downfall of a number of programs I have followed first hand. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, but the rewards should go to the most deserving.

To exclude the celebration of accomplishment's like this one so "Mikey", who is not going on to college to play doesn't feel bad, is nuts.
Success recognized: I'm all for it!
Y’all are missing the point. I have not condemned celebrations or the recognition of high achievement. I have criticized what I see as overt boasting.

As I recall, a 3-page conversation thread in mid-December was dedicated to celebrating the great news of the acceptance of Beenthere’s son into Princeton. This web community was quite excited. Congratulations streamed in from all corners. Well deserved recognition was delivered to the BeenthereIl family.

Since then, one can find this ‘news’ re-announced (directly or indirectly) on several dates: 3/24, 4/11, 4/13, 4/19 (twice), 4/26, 5/1, 5/23, 6/8 (twice). (The archives do not extend before 3/1/2004). This is either boastful behavior, or a sad attempt to attract continued attention to his son.

In conclusion: everybody knows. Walk softly.

This is in no way meant as a slam to you, but it appears that you have spent a lot of time "researching" a topic that, quite frankly, just shouldn't be such a really big deal IMHO.

If you know Beenthere well at all, you should know that what you say isn't going to hurt his feelings nor will it change his style of posting. I have found that the best thing that you can do when you come across someone who's posting style bugs you is to hit that "ignore" button. I have used it quite successfully on numerous occasions but it took me awhile to find it. Wink I am much happier and more relaxed now than I used to be on here. It's just not worth getting yourself all worked up over something that you have absolutely no control over! Smile

Justmom and Ann, you are the greatest.

I am in kind of hot water on another thread for saying something more general along these lines. Been thinkin' a lot this morning, and then happened upon this thread.

One of the things I love about these message boards is that we can say provocative things, get called on the carpet for it unlike in real life where people wouldn't say anything to your face, and realize perhaps that we are a bit mistaken in our take on things and re-think our position. Hopefully people forgive and forget!

In fact, we are all such complex beings with good and bad characteristics, and also we have different attitudes toward and thresholds of tolerance for how much we will publicly discuss our successes and failures. I am one who has always had trouble talking publicly about how much money I make, or what my children's grades are, or anything like that. Others don't even think twice about it and expect people to respond with their own achievements and then there is a mutual celebration. There isn't a right or a wrong about it I don't think, it is just the way we are.

Searching for that ignore button, may apply it to myself as well! biglaugh

On the topic of Princeton, though, I think that it may be changing the face of Ivy Leage college baseball. What Coach Bradley seems to be accomplishing, in attracting talented and bright kids to a college that doesn't award athletic scholarships, is to me just extremely impressive and something to be applauded for sure. I am sure that it has not been easy for him and he must have a special touch indeed.
Hmmm...Somehow I missed Iscreams comment (s).

Iscream...Knock yourself out. I really don't care what you and your minions think. ENVY...that is the appropriate word which describes your comments.

I'm happy for everyone. I've talked with plenty of parents and I've helped them when I could. Whether academic advice or information about schools or showcases, I give them my best shot.

I've been on this board for about 4 years and I'm grateful for the board and its websters (you know who you are...who were indirectly responsible for my son considering P) in steering my son in that direction.

Cal...You are right. There is something special going on and the coach is the reason why. I believe that there are a couple of pitchers from in and around LA that are headed to P in the fall; another pitcher and infielder from Texas; a pitcher from Florida; a pitcher from either Connecticut or New Jersey (not sure his home state); and, hopefully, a few others.

I think I'm looking forward to the fall and spring as much as my son is looking forward to it. Even his dentist is proud of him and proud for him (told him at his recent "cleaning") because he couldn't get into the school for his undergraduate work.

Tell me where your son heads, Iscream, and I'll be happy for him, too.
In case one wants to know how to alienate oneself amoung the websters, Iscream's post is a perfect example.

I can't believe you ACTUALLY took the time to research all of those posts!

By the way, there were 9 drafted from the school where mine will be matriculating this fall and we are proud to tell people about it.

Beenthere's son is a perfect example of the reality of the goals that should be strived for, excel in school and earn your acceptance to one of the most difficult/pretigious schools in the country, get a chance to play baseball at that school is just icing on the cake. I will have to research how many times he has given that advice.

For those who don't realize, it is not easy to dedicate yourself for four years (just talking HS) on a baseball field and maintain a GPA of 4.0 and above. Takes a lot of commitment, sacrifice and hard work on and off the field. You will not find too many who are able to achieve that goal.
Last edited by TPM
Beenthere - I have no minions. You'll note that no one else in this thread has offered an opinion supporting my point of view. Nor have I any ENVY towards you & yours. Rest assured that the school my son attends this fall grows Ivy on its walls. I am, however, put off by your habitual boasting. IMO, one announcement should suffice.

I prefer the approach of posters like Fungo & the Head Bottle Washer who rarely bring direct attention to their favorite ballplayers. Perhaps I am in the minority.

For those of you interested in my time management & research skills: The HSBBWeb UBB search engine is quite powerful. A 5 second 'advanced search' on these boards returned the posts I was looking for.

My name is John Petrulis and I live in the Tinley Park/Frankfort, Illinois area.

My telephone number is 815-469-4520.

The "head bottle washer" has always been a favorite of mine since he owns this site.

Tell me which of the Ivies your son will be attending so that we can cheer for him and if our sons play against each other, then the hot dog and coke are on me.


Couldn't resist...figure you could add this to your search listing...My son will be attending Princeton this fall as a member of the Class of 2008. In large part, I might add, Iscream, to the TERRIFIC advice given to my son and our family by many of the websters on this site.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
I have been reading this board for almost two years and Beenthere's son's journey has been so interesting to follow. We all thought he would end up in Been's beloved SEC, and then he suddenly opted for probably the finest one or two academic institutions in the country. (As a Harvard alum I am allowed to say that Smile) Been has done such a graceful job of throwing his support 100% behind his son's decision and it has been fun to watch him climb on the Princeton bandwagon and be a great fan. He is having a great time!

So although I disagree with Iscream's assessment of Beenthere, I understand where he is coming from in a more general sense because in fact there are boastful people here. And before anyone jumps on me again, it is NOT envy that makes me say that!!! Those few people on this board who know my son and all of his accomplishments know that I have NO reason to envy anyone and that I am one of the proudest moms on this planet. It is just, as I said above, that some people are more comfortable with this than others and I just can't talk about it, I just bask in it privately.

I think that we less public proud parents all have to have a bemused tolerance of the boasters (that "ignore button" that was pointed out above, and that I took literally!!), and the boasters perhaps need to remember once in a while that everyone already KNOWS how great their kids are.

At the same time, I agree with those who have pointed out that part of what makes this such an upbeat place to come, is all the excitement that these proud parents bring to their posts about games, and also about other wonderful aspects of their sons. Also, sharing the decision-making process has been SO informative and helpful.

Come on, we're all here because we are supporting our son's love for baseball, and we can all put up with a little bit of boasting and a little bit of complaining about it. Smile
I've watched this thread for a few days trying to figure out the point and resisting throwing in my 2 cents but....

I have to comment that I've seen nothing inappropriate as to what Beenthere has said about his son, whatsoever.

I don't know the man from Adam and while, as with most anyone, I agree with some of his points and disagree with others, in terms of straight out advice and comment in support of ANY kid pursuing his baseball dreams the man seems to be there for anyone and everyone-willing to share his and his son's experience for the full benefit of the reader. I have found that to be the very value of this site-people willing to give you the straight scoop, hoping you'll take advantage of it and without any jealousy or concern that you'll take their advice and information and somehow "get ahead of them".

Frankly, I've taken any repetion in his posts about Princeton just being made to let people have a frame of reference in a given thread (as you may not read them all) and to identify himself as a source of information in regard that school/conference, etc. should you wish to call upon him. I've actually found many of his posts to be rather self deprecating and over the course of time quite forthcoming with disappointments as well as triumphs as he and his son went through the recruiting process.

At the bottom line, I don't get what the "knock" is here and if this just about Beenthere boasting about his son, he clearly has one heck of alot to be proud of and I think this site is the place to express that pride. I've made a post or two about where my son is going and all that good stuff. Heck, I'd like to throw him a parade for what he has accomplished -just can't get a permit Big Grin
lol, Hey. Thanks (I think.)

You are right, as are the others, that I give it my best shot for my son and for others who have sons or daughters chasing that little/big ball around. We, as parents, are PROUD of you!

As the late Mayor Daley said years ago when someone wrote an article about one of his sons being the beneficiary of some substantial City of Chicago insurance premiums/business: "If you can't take care of your own son, who can you take care of..?"

As an example of what is going on at P in recent years, BJSzymanski, of, just signed with the Cincinnati Reds for $720, his last year at P paid for...I'm sure.

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