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This game PROVES that you don't have to be very smart to coach a professional football team.

What was the Pittsburgh coach thinking?

All his qb had to do is take 4 knee drops and game over.

Would have been fitting if his POOR DECISION-MAKING would have cost his team the game.

Manning...Once again...meaningless statistics in the big games.

Can you say CHOKE in the big games for the past 5 years?
Originally posted by BeenthereIL:
Not Monday morning quarterbacking at all.

Watched the game and I said: He'll take a knee; and, then, the fumble.

Why did they have to score more points, Linear?

They were up by 3 with the ball on the 3 yard line with a minute and a few seconds to go in the game!

Nice try at changing the subject.

I didn't say they had to try to score.

I said, or insinuated, that giving the ball to the Bus is about as safe a thing as you can do.

Nothing wrong with the decision. Everything wrong with the execution.

Your statement is the equivalent of saying (after you had a car accident on the way to the grocery store) that "I didn't need that milk. Why did I think I did?"

There's nothing wrong with going to the store for milk.
Originally posted by BeenthereIL:
This game PROVES that you don't have to be very smart to coach a professional football team.

What was the Pittsburgh coach thinking?

All his qb had to do is take 4 knee drops and game over.
Indy still had 3 Timeouts

Would have been fitting if his POOR DECISION-MAKING would have cost his team the game.

Manning...Once again...meaningless statistics in the big games.

Can you say CHOKE in the big games for the past 5 years?
In the language of Hawaii - Polamalu means -

"drunken referees"

Never knew that.


Interception - game over - What was the deal on that call?

Never seen anything like that.

He intercepted the ball - rolled over twice - fumbled it - recovered it - and they said - no interception?

What the h*** was that?

Any referees out there who can help with this one?
Personally, I feel that the NFL needs to do some investigating into the officiating in this game. The reversed interception was terrible. However, there was also the pass interference non-call on the bomb to El (and when El was held on flick pass a play or so earlier), and the worst call: When the Colts jumped on D across the line, the officials blew the play dead & then said there was no foul?! In baseball terms, that's the same as a HR hitting the foul pole & instead of ruling it a foul or an HR, the umpire rules it a "do over." Horrendous! As one player (maybe Hines Ward?) said afterward "Las Vegas lost a lot of money today."

Cowher's run call made total sense. You take the knee, Indy takes the time-outs, and Manning gets the ball back with a minute & the chance to win. Bettis hadn't fumbled all year, so he went with percentages.

This doesn't have anything to do w/baseball, so I apologize to contributing to the delinquency...

Originally posted by pirateradio:
Cowher's run call made total sense. You take the knee, Indy takes the time-outs, and Manning gets the ball back with a minute & the chance to win. Bettis hadn't fumbled all year, so he went with percentages.

Bettis hasn't fumbled in 2 years! The call to run it in was the safest call. IF they kneeled to run the time out, Indy would've used their TO's and forced the Steelers to kick the field goal. Then they're only up by 6 with about a minute to go. Not only do you have the threat of Manning moving the ball down the field but you got a potential for a kick off return. Cowher made the right call.
I am STILL stunned by this game! dazeda I was in the air, flying back to Pittsburgh from Orlando during the first half. Pilot kept updating the planeful of anxious Pittsburghers the startling score (14-0! Say WHAT??!), then said maybe we should just keep circling overhead and land after the game concluded, since we were doing so well up in the friendly skies!

Hubby and I RAN to the baggage claim, ripped our luggage off the belt, RAN to the car, and hightailed it to the nearest Quaker Steak and Lube in Pittsburgh on the way home so we could watch the 2nd half in riotous fashion! OMG! I nearly had a stroke! The HIGHS...the LOWS...the HIGHS...the LOWS...the---HE MISSED THE CALL...HE FUMBLED THE BALL...HE MISSED THE KICK!! I have never witnessed anything so insane! dizzy

First of all, itsinthegame, you don't get it because it was a completely BOTCHED CALL!! toilet I stayed up listening to analysts and recaps of the game and to an expert, each agreed that it was arguably the WORST call in a big football game ever! That ref should be SHOT (well, at least disciplined)! He DID keep the game alive for Indy...and almost gave me a heart attack.

And Beenthere, with all due respect, you are dead wrong. The Colts had ALL three timeouts left with well over a minute to go. Taking a knee four times would have given the ball back to Manning with TIME LEFT on the clock! You really think Cowher wanted to do that?? And kicking a field goal would have put us up by only six---also with TIME LEFT for the ever-dangerous Manning to work with. NO WAY, BABY! The RIGHT call was made---the EXECUTION by the almost always reliable Bettis was uncharacteristicallly NOT. And no one felt worse than he did!

Game ball to the Colts' kicker for taking Bettis AND the clueless officials OFF the hook!

Steelers to the Super Bowl...WRITE IT DOWN! ole

(Actually, I think they just won it...everything else is a bonus)!
Last edited by PAmom

The NFL APOLOGIZED to the Steelers today for the INCORRECT, BOTCHED, TOTALLY NUTTY (they were more tactful than I) call by It is entirely possible he will also be fined. All I have to say is it's a good thing the Steelers won that game! angryrazz

See, itsinthegame, this is why no one could explain the call to you. It only exists in the warped mind of a clueless official.

UGH!!! pull_hair

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