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Hi Mech1978,  If you do a search, some older posts will come up on this topic.


Another parent and I took our sons to watch a pro tryout in our area several years ago (probably 5?) just to see what it was all about. It was free and something to do and very near a good bakery in a section of town I don't normally travel


They will ask what position they are trying out for and divide pitchers/everyone else.  The 60 will be timed, 2 at a time.  That is basically the first cut, but I am not aware that  any player left at that point. 


Players will then be divided to hit and field. 


There were right many college players there by the looks of jerseys and caps.  Players came from all around by license plates parked in the area.  I took particular notice of what the players wore, since some didn't wear appropriate baseball attire. 


From what I could gather from my very inexperienced eye, the pitchers got all the attention, unless a player ran VERY fast.



That was a very interesting day.

 Extremely hot and humid. Actually hot enough where they said the players didn't have to run if they didn't want to! Most did run though but I was surprised by the number that didn't.

 I was real surprised that they shared the ratings at the end of the tryout and my son did better than I thought he would. They announced at the beginning that they would use the 20 80 ratings but when they gave out the rating they did it all on that scale except the batting and on that they use a -minus, 0 minus, 0, 0 plus and then plus. Anyone heard of this as I can't find this scale anywhere and they didn't explain it.

 He got all 5's with + projections  (not sure what + projection  meant either) and the he got a 0 plus for batting and the scout commented that he had the best swing there.


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