I ordered the power hitting zone by MUHL which is a 2 station device. Side 1 is a take of the ball on the string and side 2 is a heavy bag. The ball on a string is a heavy rubber plastic with the bottom part being the side of the ball. The object is the same and there are 2 panels that you have to drive it through. You can adjust to in, middle, and away. The heavy bag had the ability to drive it up and over the bar it hangs on. Both sides are made with the objective of staying on the pitch and driving through the ball. I am completely sold on the item and after a week have seen success within the player's swing.
The reason for the post is to start a thread of products that are out there that would be supported by coaches as opposed to the seller's of the products. What other things have you purchased that you see results with and what have you purchased that have been complete waste of money?
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