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Originally Posted by biggerpapi:

So it's Prom season.  Ours is tonight.  Double header tomorrow.


Go to dinner.  Go to the dance.  Enjoy yourself.  Treat your girl right.  Get home at a decent hour and get a good night's sleep.  Games tomorrow. 


You'd better not show up hung over.

I'm a little nervous since ours is tomorrow night. We have a (very important) district double header tomorrow during the day. If I hear a single kid mentioning the prom before or during those games, so help me...



Mine is not anywhere near his prom, but as I've often told him:


"Eating, going to the bathroom and sleeping.  Do you ever do anyone of those while doing either of the other two?"  "No", he'll reply.


"I feel the same way about school, baseball and girls", I'll say next.  "They don't mix.  Don't do it."

Just let these kids forget baseball for one night and let them enjoy themselves. For most kids, the prom is a big deal and that includes the baseball players too. Prom night is bigger than baseball for most on that one night. They're high school students just like everyone else.


Have fun and and enjoy the prom. Forget about baseball for one night. I get it.

Ours is later....June.  It falls right smack in the middle of states.  Our guys have been thinking about this since the schedules came out. If they make it that far in states, priorities are pretty clear to them!


 Wonder how the dates will feel about getting dropped off at 11??


Have fun, enjoy, go home and SLEEP.  Honestly I hope that happens it will save us from the all-night worrying for that big night.


Those who have prom this weekend --- ENJOY!  It really is a special night. If you haven't had a senior before, be ready to get weepy



Originally Posted by Bulldog 19:

Most of our schools now have "post-prom" parties at the school to keep the kids from going out and getting drunk. Sleeping's overrated


I actually went to post-prom both years and didn't go to prom itself..


The local HS has done this for a long time.  Very helpful in keeping the kids out of trouble.

Originally Posted by BaseballmomandCEP:

Ours is later....June.  It falls right smack in the middle of states.  Our guys have been thinking about this since the schedules came out. If they make it that far in states, priorities are pretty clear to them!


 Wonder how the dates will feel about getting dropped off at 11??


Have fun, enjoy, go home and SLEEP.  Honestly I hope that happens it will save us from the all-night worrying for that big night.


Those who have prom this weekend --- ENJOY!  It really is a special night. If you haven't had a senior before, be ready to get weepy



Why doesn't the administration factor things like this in when setting a date?  Set it early in the school year on a Saturday when it will be during the regular season.  Then the baseball coach can schedule around it.  No issues.


When I was in Kentucky my first couple of years they set the prom date after I had my schedule done.  Prom was always on a Saturday game and I had to move the game, play earlier or just cancel it.  Finally, I talked the administration into setting it early and then I avoided that date.  I would give the guys that Friday off, prom Saturday and back to work on Monday.  No issues.


One year we did this and for some reason they had to move the prom onto a Saturday game.  When the girls found out about this I can't tell you how many of them stopped by my room wondering why in the world I would schedule a game on prom day.  I could never convince them that it wasn't me.  But we were able to play the game and I told the guys if they had plans they couldn't get out of then they didn't have to be at the game.  Only one senior didn't show up and he never played anyway so no big loss.

Our baseball county tournament was last weekend which was on prom day. The other schools were able to help by allowing our players to play earlier in the day and re-arranging the schedule a bit to do so.


But there's only so many weekends to go around. Last weekend was our prom, I'm sure the other 3 schools have proms coming up in the next several weeks and none of them will be on the same night. That's 4 weekends. Then two weeks ago was ACT Testing Day so you have to manage that.


I'd imagine spring has got to be the hardest season for an AD to schedule..

Originally Posted by NYdad2017:



Mine is not anywhere near his prom, but as I've often told him:


"Eating, going to the bathroom and sleeping.  Do you ever do anyone of those while doing either of the other two?"  "No", he'll reply.


"I feel the same way about school, baseball and girls", I'll say next.  "They don't mix.  Don't do it."

I'm guessing your son isn't high school age yet. Had I told my son he shouldn't bother with girls in high school he would have hurt himself laughing. However, he didn't have a steady girlfriend until senior year. 

Originally Posted by BOF:

While a little off track I had to post this. My wife helped out at a special needs Prom that a local church puts on every year. Just had to share it. Congrats to all of those Sr's getting ready to graduate. God bless and go give your kids a hug.



Awesome and such a great thing for these kids.  They are just like every other kid in high school - they just want to dress up and have a good time.

I wasn't sure where to post this...Maybe it needs it's own topic. My son hung up his cleats after nine yr of pro ball and he is excited about his new life. But many former players have a difficult time adjusting to life outside of player is their identity. Now their lost with out it... Maybe as parents we should encourage our sons to be well rounded people, go to proms...try other sports,other interests.Remind them baseball is what the do not who they are

Prom was last Friday for my 2014, Our new HS coach did not schedule any games or practices on Saturday. Last few years former HS coach always scheduled games on that Saturday and twice moved them up to 10 am and noon, since he didn't feel boys should go to prom on night before game and tried to institute a curfew. Didn't work as you can imagine and we generally just got blitzed in those games, not from the drinking (although I am sure there was some but I had no kids on these teams so wasn't following tha closely). I do remember quite a commotion over him telling boys they shouldn't go to prom, be in by curfew or they would be benched by parents when he did that his last 2 years there. 


I do find it funny that our HS has a prom in a Friday, have an supervised after prom event, and part of prom is meal before (if you don't go to meal you don't get into prom) to prevent drinking. then let kids out a noon on Friday to "get ready". If kids are gonna drink before prom, then I would say being let out at noon would give them enough time

I say let them go.  These are normal HS kids who, I would assume for most posters on this site, have given their lives to baseball.  Up until the summer after my son's senior year in HS, he had played baseball every summer since he was 12.  All through HS, he gave up spring break - HS team played over the break - he gave up several winter breaks to do showcases, any holidays in the fall were filled with baseball activities, etc...  My point is, these kids have given up a lot to play the sport they love.  My son never complained, but has made comments about it.  He loved playing, and still does as a freshman in college.  But, I think it would have been cruel to not allow him to go to his HS prom.  I think it is something he would have looked back on his whole life and regretted.  Let them be kids as well as baseball players.  JMHO.

Originally Posted by njbb:

I wasn't sure where to post this...Maybe it needs it's own topic. My son hung up his cleats after nine yr of pro ball and he is excited about his new life. But many former players have a difficult time adjusting to life outside of player is their identity. Now their lost with out it... Maybe as parents we should encourage our sons to be well rounded people, go to proms...try other sports,other interests.Remind them baseball is what they do not who they are

Well Said of luck to your son in the next chapter of his life.

@njbb...good luck to your son as he goes into the next phase of his life, and I hope that the adjustment is kind to you as well. I imagine it's hard to no longer be a baseball parent.


On another note, son's school has scheduled Grad Night (all-night party at Disneyland...returning home at 5am) the night before the section championship game. Now, it would be a long shot to make it to the game, but IF they did, I'm assuming it would be a no-no for these boys to go (the game would be at 3pm). What do you think?

In our case, senior class trip to Six Flags is day before prom, which is the day of a potential states game. Next day, Friday, Prom, followed by states semi and finals on Sat/Sun! 


On the topic of proms and early time off, and drinking etc., our district took care of that problem years ago by instituting breathalizers at prom (and at all high school dances). So kids KNOW they can't drink pre-prom.  Then the HS hosts a post-prom (which is lame but it workds), then there are parents are are willing to have the massive 'sleepover' in their basements.


 Its a great plan, even the kids who like to "party" are totally happy with the breathalizers, it takes the pressure off for all concerned.



Prayers to all for happy and safe prom, graduations, post-baseball lives etc etc.

We had the post prom parties at our house since the basement was like a nightclub. The boys slept in the basement. The girls slept anywhere on the first or second floor. I slept on a cot against the basement door.


Some parents came over and helped with brunch. The fun party was the parent's party after the kids left the picture taking, pre prom party.


I can still envision the group picture of all the girls on the spiral staircase. It seems like yesterday. Yet my daughter is getting married in two weeks.

Originally Posted by RJM:

We had the post prom parties at our house since the basement was like a nightclub. The boys slept in the basement. The girls slept anywhere on the first or second floor. I slept on a cot against the basement door.


Some parents came over and helped with brunch. The fun party was the parent's party after the kids left the picture taking, pre prom party.


I can still envision the group picture of all the girls on the spiral staircase. It seems like yesterday. Yet my daughter is getting married in two weeks.


For my son's senior prom, his girlfriend's parents hosted a pre-prom dinner (they own a winery - no wine was not served to the kids!!!).  Then the kids (5 couples) went to the prom followed by the after prom party at the Y.  Lots of pics taken before they left.


After the kids left, the parents then had dinner and "tasted" some wine and had an enjoyable evening.  The kids weren't the only ones having fun.

It was the reverse for our 2013. Double Header, Prom Pics, Dinner, Dance, stopped off at a group get together outside of town for a bit, and home 'early' for Senior Prom (he and his girlfriend were on their Prom Court, which was fun)....then a fairly good nights sleep & he and his gal ( a Cubbie ) were off to St. Louis for a Cardinal's game! Gotta love that! All about priorities! PS: 1st game was a make up game. 2nd game was a conference game. They won both! Put everyone in a good mood! And they went on the next week and won 1st place in their conference tournament! 
Last edited by Shelby

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