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My daughters boyfriend flew in a few weeks ago to ask for our blessings and to invite us to Houston for the "asking of her hand".

This trip will include meeting his parents,they are at UC-Irvine.

He is a USC grad and played ball there.

He is an outstanding young man and I am more than happy to include in our family. Of course this all becomes a mute point if daughter declines. Somehow I just don't see this happening.

I had to spill the beans simply because I could not contain myself anymore.

God Bless
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In conclusion, daughter did say yes!!! He essentially had his Sunday school class do the asking. They were working on the sacrement of matrimony and he had several students hold up placards asking the big question "Will you marry me?"
She had no idea what was occuring and he was not sure of her answer at first.We were told about it later. She apparently was stunned and said that she was screaming YES inside but no words were coming out.
Daughter text her mom and said that she had something to tell her and would call and let her know what it was later.Daughter still did not know that we were all there.
As his parents and my wife and I sat in the seating area for their Sunday school class we collectively breathed a sigh of relief because we were not sure what would happen if she declined.
Anyway she and her soon to be came in with their classes and I thought daughter was going to faint when she saw both sets of parents waiting somewhat patiently.
The whole scenario made me wish that I had done a better job of proposing those long 31 years ago!!!

It looks like the wedding will take place in late summer after both are finished with their masters programs.
Dad feels feel very blessed and very lucky at the same time.

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