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I've been on this website since my son was 10. It's a wealth of information and I always anticipated the time when it would apply directly to our family. I would come on here and read about each of your son's accomplishments and couldn't wait until the day when I would have something to "write home about".




My son is a soph. who made varisty this year. He just pitched in his first REAL game of the season. He went the entire 7 innings. Gave up 1 earned run, 4Ks, 3Walks. Threw 95 pitches. The team won 3 - 2.


Like many of you on here have advised, I'm going to enjoy the moments. They grow up so fast!


Good luck to all of you and yours this season!!

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Originally Posted by RonBon:

I've been on this website since my son was 10. It's a wealth of information and I always anticipated the time when it would apply directly to our family. I would come on here and read about each of your son's accomplishments and couldn't wait until the day when I would have something to "write home about".




My son is a soph. who made varisty this year. He just pitched in his first REAL game of the season. He went the entire 7 innings. Gave up 1 earned run, 4Ks, 3Walks. Threw 95 pitches. The team won 3 - 2.


Like many of you on here have advised, I'm going to enjoy the moments. They grow up so fast!


Good luck to all of you and yours this season!!

Congrats to your son, like you I have been on this board since my son was 12, his first V game is this Saturday. Pretty exciting! Best of luck!

RonBon, thanks for sharing your story!  You have every reason to be proud and I wish your son tons of success in the future.  I was that same dad so many years ago when Bum, Jr. finally got his first varsity start as a junior and only fired a no-hitter.  The folks at HSBBW were very supportive and gave Bum, Jr. congratulations at the time.  When I think back on it, I felt the support of family.. our family.. HSBBW.  Keep us updated and be an ambassador for the game and HSBBW.  Your son's story is now part of our story.

Awesome ! Congrats Ronbon, keep it up.. Our boy also got his first start on Friday after closing out a win on Thursday night and pitched will into the 5th but left after the go ahead run reached base. We didnt win but are equally excited as our path has been similiar to so many here. He is a few days shy of turning 15 and we hope for a lotta fun times in the coming years.



Welcome, and thank you for posting! I don't want to derail from the main topic of this thread, but just wanted to ask...


How did you learn about the HS Baseball Web? I'm happy to see a steady stream of new members since our forum conversion last month, and just curious to see how our new members are finding us.



Congrat's RonBon. Very nice first varsity start! This site awesome, I lurked for many years before joining. The support you will receive is outstanding and hopefully it will help your son as he continues to play.

Enjoy every minute of this time as it goes by way to quickly. My son is a senior and seems like only yesterday when he got his first start a few years back.  

I love threads like this one, and suspect there are quite a few more Proud Dads and Moms out there with stories to tell. I know we all try to avoid bragging, but please don't hesitate to start a thread to share...


How is your son (or your son's team) doing so far?


(It's snowing here in MN... )



Originally Posted by MN-Mom:

I love threads like this one, and suspect there are quite a few more Proud Dads and Moms out there with stories to tell. I know we all try to avoid bragging, but please don't hesitate to start a thread to share...


How is your son (or your son's team) doing so far?


(It's snowing here in MN... )



Julie, you need to come to FL, I have a room with a view for you!  LOL


Great thread!  It's good to hear about the positive stuff, not the negative!

Now that the season is over I thought I would add an update on how it went for him.


He ended up going 3 - 0 in the non-district part of the season but the coaches decided to go with the two seniors on the mound. No arguments from me, they were both very worthy of the starts.


He did win the starting CF position and bounced between the 5 and 6 holes in the lineup. He is very proud of being an everyday starter and the responsibilities that come with being the center fielder.


He finished second on the team in just about every batting stat. The leader was our big stud senior who had already signed to play college ball.


The cherry on top was that he was voted the district's newcomer of the year.


The team made the playoffs forcing a three way tie for second and nabbing the three seed in a one day playoff. A huge over acheavement as we were picked 7 out of 8 teams in preseason polls.


We lost in the first round as our bats failed to catch the bus to the second day of games.


He did get to take the mound in both the second and third playoff games in the series. Both games were out of reach by then but we appreciated the nod by the coaches.


Now, on to summer ball!!


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