But more than anything, this e-mail I just received, regarding our very last game (an 8-2 win over Incheon Haesa High), means waaaay more than any record, scores, or stats.... this is what it's all about:
Coach H.,
Your baseball team not only played an exceptional game, but they demonstrated the best of professionalism representing SAHS, but more, you were the true American "Ambassadors" in Korea.
The Incheon Haesa administrators (principal and assistant principal), teachers, and their students had nothing but the good thing to say about the Falcons Baseball team. A symbol of true Korean-American friendship was realized by both sides.
Of course, when Falcons are out there, our Korean hosts are looking at "Americans" in actions. You've made a positive impressions in a geographic area that represented the late GEN MacArthur's historic Incheon Landing that brought Korean War to a decisive victory against the Communist North. This year marked the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War and both student groups paid Memorial Day tributes to the fallen Korean and American Service Members with a moment of silence. True professionalism at its best!
Hope to see more interactions with our Korean host community schools. Interactions like this supports USFK Good Neighbor Program (GNP), the Student Engagement (SE) element. One of the goals of GNP is to improve the positive image of USFK in Korea. You have helped to achieve that through the baseball program.
Again, thanks!
Michael N.
Good Neighbor Program
I know those of you who have supported us overseas will share in my pride for these boys -- the sons of servicemembers serving their country, and doing a **** good job of it themselves!