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This past Saturday, my dad, a veteran of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, passed away at the age of 89. He had been in the intensive care unit at the hospital for over two weeks. We were told on Thursday that he would not survive through the weekend. I took my son up to the hospital Thursday night to say goodbye, and we left teary eyed. My son had baseball games scheduled Friday and Saturday night, and I told him he should play in both of them if he felt like it. He played on Friday night and asked if we could go visit my dad when he got home after 11pm. He spent almost an hour in the room alone with my dad. On Saturday mornning my whole family went to the hospital and were told he wouldnt make it through the day. I told my son he should say goodbye to grandpa and go home, and go to his game that evening. Not that I thought baseball was more important, but that a seventeen year old doesnt need to be watching his grandfather die. My son told me he wanted to stay with his grandfather until the end. During the day, he scooted around the room comforting my mom,sister,brothers, and me. He called his coach and told him he wouldnt be able to play that night, that this was much more imortant than baseball, and the coach supported him fully. My dad eventually passed away in the early evening. My son asked if it was alright to go sit in the dugout and cheer on his teammates after it was all over.
I am so proud of the maturity and compassion my son displayed during a difficult time. There is nothing he could do in the world of baseball that could make me more proud of him than I am now.
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The apple has not fallen too far from the tree,...Your son has shown the same selfless service that father had in his miltary career....Im sure you are proud of both....and rightly so....

No greater honor could be paid to this warrior than to go on to his reward in the arms of his family...

well done...

My sincere and fervent condolences for your loss.......
My prayers for you and your family. My respect for the sacrifices your father made to our country. My appreciation to you for sharing such a heartwarming story about your young man. I'm sure grandpa left this world feeling much love around him. He was blessed to have such a loving family and grandson!!!

Your son is a fine young man.
wow, that put tears in my eyes should be very proud. I had a very similar moment with my grandfather...I was coaching a game the night before he passed...but while our team was preparing for a game, I sat in the hospital with him, feed him ice cream and talked about his passion...NY mets this day, I found it to be one of the best days of my life and will cherish it until the day we meet again...He had a military funeral and it was probably the most honorable and moving thing i had ever seen...god bless to you and family
My father was buried at Arlington National Cemetary last week, more than three months after his death. It was a long wait. But the burial with full military honors is a very moving and powerful ceremony. To see my dads coffin draped in the flag of the country he loved so much, and served so well, pulled behind a military band, honor guard, and horse drawn carriage is very moving, as you pass through acres and acres of tombstones of those that have gone before. A twenty one gun salute and taps ended the ceremony. It was fitting that his final goodbye was filled more with pride than sorrow.
To die, in the arms of your family......surrounded by love.........then to be buried amongst the heros is a life and end to be proud of.....

I walked the last mile with my brother today
In the garden of stone.
On a caisson drawn by horses gray
He rode alone.
Drum beats echoed hollow in the air
As iron shod hooves rang on the pavement.
A platoon his escort
To take him home in Arlington,
Where a century of heroes lie row on row
Their duty done.

The Honor Guard carried him lovingly
For brother he is to all those there interred.
Amid presidents, astronauts, explorers and heroes
He takes a place well deserved.
The prayers are said; the volleys fired
And the flag is folded
Carefully, never again to be unfurled.
Rest well, weary soldier, now and forever;
The Corps has called you home.
Rest well, my brother.

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