Please help! My 15 year old son, a sophomore in HS, had an MRI a couple of weeks ago, and was told that he has a high grade tear in the anterior bundle of his MCL. We have seen a specialist in NYC (NY Yankee doctor - Dr. Rosenwasser - great guy) and he basically said we have 2 options. 1) Complete PT for four months and see if scar tissue grows (about a 50/50 chance) or 2) TJS. I am interested to see if any of you on this board that had the TJS tried PT first. My concern is that he will continue with the PT, it won't work, or it will work but will tear again, and then he will ultimately need surgery anyway. As it stands now, he will most definitely miss his sophomore season. If we wait on the surgery, he may ultimately end up missing his junior season as well. This being said, we hate to have the surgery if PT can do the trick. As you can imagine, I have a TON of questions. If you could reply with any experiences you may have had I would greatly appreciate it.