Just wanted to let the up and coming know about this topic. Hard work and detication is true to this players name.Don Pugliese was on my son's ball team last season at West Allegheny HS in western Pa. He is a very good baseball player and had several offers from some local schools around our area. He chose to try a walk on role for Marietta college in Ohio. He did make the team and has done some traveling with them so far this season. This is great in my mind to have someone take the chance of not getting on a paticular team, then pushing himself to make the team as a walk-on. The program at Marietta is a storied one to say the least. They usually have allot of players that get scholorships and or are invited to try to walk-on. He had neither and still made the team. Never quit trying. I'm sure their are allot of other players that made the same leap and acomplished the same. Would like to here of some other great stories. Just showes how much these young men love the game of baseball. By this young man to do what he did opened allot of eyes from our underclassmen on how hard work can get you to your goals. I wish him continued success.
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