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I am looking to put a chart together to keep track of quality at Bats and offensive production. Here are some things that I am thinking of. Any suggestions?

Hit by pitch
Drew a walk
advanced on a wild pitch or passed ball
did not chase ball four and was out
swung at a pitch that was a ball
picked off on the bases
took an extra base on the throw
did or did not excuted bunt play
stole base
hits with RISP
2 out hits
advanced runner
score runner from 3B less than 2 outs
5-6 pitch at bat
Hard hit/well hit
didn't score runner w/RISP 0 outs
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I can’t help asking why so many of you coaches leaped on the opportunity to get yet another metric, as though there aren’t enough already. Wink Were you all expecting to get that one magic stat that solved all of your problems? LOL!

Having done this stuff at the HS level for a few years, I can say without reservation that there is no one stat that tells everything, and part of the reason is, at the HS level the SKing is terribly inconsistent, and the record keeping is even worse. But having said that, I certainly believe in coaches making every effort to come up with some kind of objective statistic to help them do their job!

I hope socalhscoach doesn’t get offended, but I want to try to point out some of what I see in his “chart” as potential problems.

Although a name means nothing, A2 is really Total Bases as its used in calculating Slgp.

I’d be real careful about A3. If I understand it correctly, its not whether or not there was an E or a FC any time during or after one PA and before the next, but rather if the 1st player Reached on the Error, or reached on the Fielder’s Choice. IOW, I don’t think a point would be awarded if a player singled and moved to 2nd on a fielding error or on a throw to try to put out a different player.

A4 and A5 are pretty self explanatory, but I have to admit that I’m not sure at how A6 would be credited. In HS, its pretty much illegal for a runner to do a lot to disrupt a DP, and even if there were, how would it be defined so it could be credited?

A7 is another one that to me is difficult to understand. Thinking of it only in the context of the offense, the 1st thing that comes to mind is getting the bunt sign, putting down the bunt with the result of the lead runner moving up. But, hitting the ball behind the runner is executing a fundamental, as are other things. In fact, some people might consider merely hitting the ball as execution.

A8 is also making we wonder what it means. Is it getting an RBI with a runner on 3rd, or is it doing anything that allows that runner to score? FI, with 2 outs and a runner on 3rd, a fly ball dropped in the OF is gonna score that runner. Does the batter get credit for that?

A9 is another one that really seems subjective. Who gets to make that decision whether it was head’s up base running or weak defensive play?

A10’s pretty simple, that is if the SK really understands what an RBI is. Wink

A11 seems strange to me. Why does a 2 out RBI mean more than a no out, or 1 out RBI?

A12 is OK because pretty much everyone understands it, but what about hitting into a DP that allows the winning run to score, or smacking a ball that an error is made on that allows the winning run to score? Seems to me it would be just as important to score the winning run. Wink

I guess A13-A15 depend on the definition of “Sting”. But what about a Sting E or a Sting FC?

As I said, I’m not trying to pick anything apart here, but I’m a big fan of defining what something is. As long as the person who is doing the crediting is the same person who has defined those things and will be the person looking at the result, its all good. But I worry when the person who comes up with something like this up allows someone else to do the tallying, or when people who look at it don’t understand what everything means.

I’d really like to ask about a lot of other things, especially those Negatives, but since we were talking only about offense, I’ll stay away from those other things. Wink
Last edited by SKeep
Although a name means nothing, A2 is really Total Bases as its used in calculating Slgp.

I’d be real careful about A3. If I understand it correctly, its not whether or not there was an E or a FC any time during or after one PA and before the next, but rather if the 1st player Reached on the Error, or reached on the Fielder’s Choice. IOW, I don’t think a point would be awarded if a player singled and moved to 2nd on a fielding error or on a throw to try to put out a different player.

A4 and A5 are pretty self explanatory, but I have to admit that I’m not sure at how A6 would be credited. In HS, its pretty much illegal for a runner to do a lot to disrupt a DP, and even if there were, how would it be defined so it could be credited?

A7 is another one that to me is difficult to understand. Thinking of it only in the context of the offense, the 1st thing that comes to mind is getting the bunt sign, putting down the bunt with the result of the lead runner moving up. But, hitting the ball behind the runner is executing a fundamental, as are other things. In fact, some people might consider merely hitting the ball as execution.

A8 is also making we wonder what it means. Is it getting an RBI with a runner on 3rd, or is it doing anything that allows that runner to score? FI, with 2 outs and a runner on 3rd, a fly ball dropped in the OF is gonna score that runner. Does the batter get credit for that?

A9 is another one that really seems subjective. Who gets to make that decision whether it was head’s up base running or weak defensive play?

A10’s pretty simple, that is if the SK really understands what an RBI is. Wink

A11 seems strange to me. Why does a 2 out RBI mean more than a no out, or 1 out RBI?

A12 is OK because pretty much everyone understands it, but what about hitting into a DP that allows the winning run to score, or smacking a ball that an error is made on that allows the winning run to score? Seems to me it would be just as important to score the winning run. Wink

I guess A13-A15 depend on the definition of “Sting”. But what about a Sting E or a Sting FC?

As I said, I’m not trying to pick anything apart here, but I’m a big fan of defining what something is. As long as the person who is doing the crediting is the same person who has defined those things and will be the person looking at the result, its all good. But I worry when the person who comes up with something like this up allows someone else to do the tallying, or when people who look at it don’t understand what everything means.

I’d really like to ask about a lot of other things, especially those Negatives, but since we were talking only about offense, I’ll stay away from those other things. Wink

I do not take offense to anything you have said, however if you wanted an explanation you could have asked. This was put together off information you can get by using the inside-edge charting system. This was done for the following reasons. Up until a month ago you could not coach your player in the off season in the CIFSS and to hold a try out was difficult because you are playing 2 weeks after the season started so this allowed me to evaluate players in game situations before try outs. This also gave me an ongoing MVP sheet during the season. Both reason also keep parents from saying that you are playing favorite. So below is what you have had to say and my explanation
By the way a lot of your references are incorrect you have confused a lot of the numbers when you went to describe them. That could be because it opened differently. So I will just break it down. If anyone wants the copy or have any questions please send me a PM.

The following cells are how they are on my spread sheet
A1: Blank
A2: Is nothing it is just listing that this is the offensive category
A3: Base Hit: If a player hits a double he gets 2 point. If he hits a single and goes to 2nd on an error he gets 1 point
A4: HBP/BB/E/FC (Self Explained)
A5: Run Scored (Self Explained)
A6: Steal (Self Explained)
A7: Breaking up double Play: your half right. If I slide outside of 2nd base it is illegal to break up 2 however if I slide straight into second base, which is perfectly legal and it keeps them from turning two then you get credit.)
A8: Execution: Bunting runners over, moving a runner over from 2nd base, hit and run execution
A9: Runner from 3rd base: This is scoring a runner from 3rd base with less than 2 outs. anything but an error.
A10: Heads up base running: This is subjective. We have a way to grade it.
A11/A12: RBI/2 out RBI: Why is 2 outs more important. To me it is because there is only 1 way to do it and that is get a base hit. The other side of that coin is because getting a 2 out base hit that scores run inflates your team and deflates the opposing team a little more that if there is 0 outs.
A13: Game winning hit: You are absolutely right it should just be won the game as opposed to a game winning hit.
A14-A16: Sting: Line Drive and you are again right there should be sting error or FC.

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