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Runner on third, two outs. The batter hits the ball between second and third into the outfield. The runner easily scores, the batter however dislocates his knee cap on his first step out of the box. The ball comes in and goes back to the pitcher. The coaches and homeplate umpire go immediately to the fallen player and he is carried off of the field. Is the batter out for never reaching first and the run taken away?
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as cruel as it may sound, under NFHS rules the umpire can not call time for an incapacitated player until no further advance or putout is possible.....

But it seems, the umpire in your game did, in effect, call time when he and the coach went to the aid of the injured player.....fine....not second guessing to err on the side of player safety....

......but somewhere here the umpire has to make a ruling......not sure what he did. But in effect the rule remains the same......Batter/runner is out, no run scores..........
Last edited by piaa_ump
I was the field umpire and when he asked me what to do, I told him I thought the batter was out and no run scored. One more question. There was a pitcher that engaged the rubber with his throwing hand and the ball in the glove while pitching from the set position. He then b rought his hands (together up to his chest (set position). He did not take his hand or the ball out of the glove until he was in his motion. Is this a balk?
Originally posted by Cub Dad:
There was a pitcher that engaged the rubber with his throwing hand and the ball in the glove while pitching from the set position. He then b rought his hands (together up to his chest (set position). He did not take his hand or the ball out of the glove until he was in his motion. Is this a balk?

This is not allowed, but there is no way that I'm going to rule it a balk. This is one of those times when I'm going to tell him discreetly between oitched that he must engage the rubber with his hands seperated.

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