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Runner on 1st. 2 outs. Batter has a count of 3 and 1. On the pitch, the runner on first is stealing and slides into second ahead of the throw but overslides the bag where he is tagged while off the base. Back at home plate, the pitch was called a ball but the batter attempted to check his swing. The catcher asks the home plate umpire to ask for help to see if the batter actually checked his swing.

What do you have if a)the pitch is ruled a ball and b)if the pitch is ruled a strike?

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Polo Green, it may be little more complex than that. If you ask yourself --- How far past second base is the runner allowed to go before he is liable to be put out???? He was tagged out because he advanced past second base not because he was in the process of stealing second base. He is allowed second base on the walk (if indeed it was ball four). However if the pitch was ruled a strike on the appeal, the runner becomes out number three, WITHOUT the batter completing his AB then the batter is first up next inning.
I had to change my post because I thought the count was 3-2. It is 3-1 so the batter is not out if the appeal is called a strike.
Last edited by Fungo

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