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My son has an offer on the table from a DII college. No deadline was given by the coach as to when he needed a response, but the coach has been in touch on a few occasions just to check in. The coach did mention that it was between my son and another player, who he had not yet met with at the time. In the meantime, another DII school has expressed interest. We met with that coach and while we were told that an offer would be forthcoming in about a week, no offer has been made as of yet. We have since learned that the coach needs to confirm that my son applied to the college and forwarded his SAT scores and transcript. This is not the course that we took with the first college; that coach just made us an offer on the spot. My son's preference would be to attend the second college, and while things seem to be progressing in the direction of an offer, my concern is if they don't end up coming through with an offer, my son may lose the offer that's already on the table due to the time it is taking to hear back from the second college...then he will be without anything.
Original Post
If your son's preference is to attend the second college, I would suggest your son phone call (no email, no texting) the second college coach to clearly discuss details and action items. There would appear to be expectations on both sides but no common end in mind. One phone call can clear it up pretty quick.

Of course you will want to review each offer against each other and against your son's long term goals.

Best of luck.

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