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What is the preferred backstop in HS ball? I've seen low and high masonry walls, wooden walls, chain-link--all previous having pads or no pads, sometimes wing-shaped, other times free-standing or part of the scorebox. Currently our field has no backstop other than the net which hangs to the ground, but passed balls tend to disappear in the folds at the bottom to the frustration of the catcher. Of course, it's extra motivation not to let a ball get by!
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A good 95 % of the fields I see are of the chain link variety...some with hoods, wings etc. Only a very few have integral press boxes (usually older fields).....and only one with the high masonary wall topped by chain link.....

By the way a ball impacting the masonary wall on a hard foul passed my left ear on the way back.....then passed my right ear on the ricochet back........

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