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Son just got a second questionnaire from a pro team. It is all about round and money. Several people have told us not to state a dollar amount. But, the questionnaire specifically asks...

I will need $________to sign
There is also a letter that states "Be Honest.... Don't be afraid to put how much money it will take to sign you."

It also asks...
"If I am offered what I'm asking, I know I'll sign," answer Yes or No

There are so many variable that the answers are not yes or no. I know it says be honest but at this point we honestly don't know the answers to some of these questions. What is the best way to answer these questions without ticking off the scouts?
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Originally posted by diamond mom:
Son just got a second questionnaire from a pro team. It is all about round and money. Several people have told us not to state a dollar amount. But, the questionnaire specifically asks...

I will need $________to sign
There is also a letter that states "Be Honest.... Don't be afraid to put how much money it will take to sign you."

It also asks...
"If I am offered what I'm asking, I know I'll sign," answer Yes or No

There are so many variable that the answers are not yes or no. I know it says be honest but at this point we honestly don't know the answers to some of these questions. What is the best way to answer these questions without ticking off the scouts?

Best way to deal with this is to attach a note saying the follwing: In a perfect world I will be playing professional Baseball openining day of Rookie League. I will definitely sign if offered a fair contract. I won't sign for something stupid but neither do I want to hold out or "break the bank".

Under NO circumstance should you name a figure at this point. If you ask for too much it will cause your Son to slide due to "signability" issues. If you ask for too little, the team may hold you to it.
Last edited by voodoochile
Originally posted by diamond mom:
Thank you Voodoochile. We really didn't want to answer some of those questions, because we simply don't know the answers at this point. My son very much wants to be drafted and play pro ball under the conditions you suggested. We just didn't want to close any doors because we didn't answer the questions as they had requested.

Glad to help. Don't let them paint you into any corners. Be polite but firm. If they want the milk, let them buy the cow.
It's time to get your son a professional advisor to help him & your family with these issues.

If a player is really a draft prospect, won't these advisors seek them out? I don't want to put a damper on Diamond Mom's enthusiasm, but isn't getting a scouting questionaire much the same as getting them from college coaches....???
ie; don't read too much into it?

And please, don't read any "tone" into this, it is a general question, not direct towards anyone's son (can you tell I've gotten a bit gun shy about posting? Wink )
If a player is really a draft prospect, won't these advisors seek them out? I don't want to put a damper on Diamond Mom's enthusiasm, but isn't getting a scouting questionaire much the same as getting them from college coaches....???
ie; don't read too much into it?

Fair question and observation. However, whenever teams are asking what you would sign for, it is a mine field that needs to be negotiated with tact. Some of these questionnaires ask the same question 10 different ways and it is always about "how much". Regardless of whether they consider you a serious prospect or not, I would answer carefully. You never know! If you are getting questionnaires at this time, I would assume interest. Questionnaires in December I might liken to college questionnaires. Ones received 7 weeks before the draft, I would consider important. JMO
Diamond Mom,
" way to answer without ticking off the scouts?" What you need is information.
Professional scouts have "ranked" your son estimating what round he will go in. It can/does change as the draft date closes in. They use various numerical systems, but basically come out with a result. Some are more sophisticated than others, i.e. using computer programs, etc.
I simply asked the scouts, when they asked round and $$ questions,"...where do you have my son going?" What this did was give me an idea if this scout was truly an advocate for my son and if the various scouts had similar opinions of his ability. I needed to know if their opinions and our expectations were "matching".
Not one scout declined giving me the information. A few pulled out their computers and actually showed me the tracking information and ability ranking systems they used.
Once I had this information, we could talk and discuss the future possibilities on a "more" level playing field. Bottom line, the scouts my family worked with were all professional and willing to share information when asked. Good luck to you.
If a player is really a draft prospect, won't these advisors seek them out? I don't want to put a damper on Diamond Mom's enthusiasm, but isn't getting a scouting questionaire much the same as getting them from college coaches....???
ie; don't read too much into it?

No "tone" taken. I am sure if my son was expected to go in a high round, you would be right. Someone would have "seeked him out".

Big Hit,
Thanks for the reply. I know we need to answer carefully. Son doesn't really want to close any doors or sell himself short.

It would be nice to know this info. I didn't know if it was okay to ask. We usually shy away from the scouts. It is hard to know where you really stand. We don't have a clue how he rates.

Thanks again.
Diamond Mom: Our situation is similar to yours, once our son signed his NLI we were contacted by several agents/advisors/lawyers. We have not committed ourselves to them as of yet because we really weren't sure of these people (just pulling our legs etc.) our son has been given several round $ letters, medical questionaires, and has taken a psychological exam. This has all happened since the second game of this season. He was approached the other day after getting off of the bus prior to a game and asked how much would it take? Our advice to you (not that we know it all) is to try to keep yourself educated about the process via websites, phone calls, books, etc. To us it has been very hurried and spontaneous. And there is always the big question, IS IT REAL? Good luck to you and your son.

It flat out doesn't hurt to ask the scouts where they see your player going, especially if you respect the scout's opinion. Many players and families get to know the scouts fairly well over the years. If they don't want to respond, o.k. Of course no one wants to raise false expectations, but that's why you ask the questions. Parents need as much information as possible. One of the best places to get it is from the scouts, preferably a number of scouts. (I call it parent's "cross-checking".)
I can only relate my family's experience with a very professional, seasoned group of scouts. It worked well for us asking the questions and getting the responses. I have absolutely no reason in giving out false information. I hope the "expert" advise many on this board provide works for some of you. Good luck to all.
Originally posted by btdad:
Just an FYI. I have found that the scouts will not predict a round or a range of rounds that a player might be taken in. They don' want to create false expectations that a player may be taken higher or lower than his actual draft position.

Unfortunately, your experience is the exception rather than the rule IMO. In 30 years of representing players, I have seen many more cases where an area scout who has no clue as to the talent on the other side of the state, not to mention the other side of the country, will tell a kid that he's a #1 pick for him.

The kid then gets taken in the 3rd or 4th round & instead of being happy that he's one of the top 100 or so kids in the draft, he's devastated that he wasn't taken higher.
Gee, I was right!

You may know the player you mentioned none the less it sure did take on a negative tone IMO. Be careful what you post and who you post it about. And yes I have an objection to anyone who posts anything negative about any player, whether he is a first rounder or not.
And I have a problem with people who post using
multiple screen names.
And don't delete.....
Last edited by TPM
First of all. My wife has her own account and I don't use it. I am sick and tired of your accuasations. Had you called her she would have told you that. Secondly, there is not negative inference to Headfirst's post at all. That is in your imagination. If anything it is about scouts blowing smoke. You are not right about anything. Learn to read the post. Go through and read all of headfirst's posts and tell me if there is anything negative there. There is not. All headfirst was saying was that only top prospects really have an idea of what is going on the rest of us are guessing.

I have asked my wife not to post just so that people like yourself don't accuse me. Well she changed he name a few months ago and she still posts against my wishes. So does my son. She has the right to do so without being falsely accused by you.

You and I know each other personally and do not get along. Keep it off of this site and grow up. Don't you dare accuse me of using my wifes account unless you have the courage to pick up the phone and ask first. I am sick and tired or you accusing me of lying. If asked I tell the truth. You don't ask, you just smear and accuse. I have had it. Don't you bring my wife into your paranoia.

Grow up.

You should have had the courage to call her and talk to her. You didn't. You just made another baseless acuasation. She may not take your call now. Feel free to call anyway. If you dare.

Ask yourself this genius. Why would I go on here and say nice things about people under a flase name? So that people won't think Bighit15 has a heart. Get real. Enough is enough.
Maybe I'm missing something here--I thought Headfirst was actually giving the player a compliment by calling him a "top guy". If anything the negative would have been towards the nameless scouts or
crosscheckers who "kiss up" all the time-however, they wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't--anybody who has ever been in "sales"
knows its a necessary evil.

Just wanted to let you know that I spent almost an hour on the phone with an area scout last night that has interest in my son. He said that he has been watching him for three years. He would not give me any rating scores on my son or round predictions during our conversation. This has been consistent with the scouts that I have spoken with regarding my son.

I guess the bottom line is that it really comes down to the credibility of the scout and ultimately his organization.
I don't think they will ask for a dollar amount unless you are a top pick, they will ask you up to which round will you sign. You have to be willing to take the bonus money given in that round. Of course there's always some room for negotiation.
I hear over and over, been watching your son for three years. I am beginning to wonder who has really been watching and who has not been.
Just go with the flow, no one is going to give you any predictions or give you scores.

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