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This past summer I have been watching several salisbury players respectively in the Cal Ripken Senior Wood Bat League. The players from Salisbury have really stood out in the league and were top notch players. One player in particular was there 2nd baseman and he is excellent. Ive seen him make only one error this season and that was on a hard hit one hopper.
Thumbs up for Salisbury U, (as well as Lou Jenkins progam at St Mary's, and Ross Natoli's at Catholic).

Salisbury's Univ 2b played with the Big Train for the last two summers, and had fun! Also the hardest of workers! And all the luck to him for 06 amateur draft (which I heard recently, will be at the end of June 06 (vs the beginning).

Salisbury is a great program and their record speaks for itself. I would say they are the seconnd best College D3 Program in Maryland, behind John's Hopkins. Remembering the student atheletes that Hopkins produces and their record in comaprable to Salisbury. The problem I have with Salisbury is more a philosphy one. The Seagulls are known form recuirting players and then cutting once the set foot on campus in the fall. I would be worried of that possiblity.

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