ladsdad and southpawdad, BOF gives some great advise as he has obviously learned from a top source (Jaeger).
As for Bum, Jr. he threw long-toss 5x week except, like BOF says, he would only lightly toss the day after pitching. He'd typically light toss one other day.. and every so once in awhile take an entire day off if his body felt like it. Bum, Jr. long-tosses right before a start, too. Of course, this is after stretching and band work.
Unlike BOF's son, Bum, Jr. has always iced after a start.. but this may be more tradition than anything else. I'm not convinced either way. One thing Bum, Jr. has done differently, perhaps, is he would HEAT AND ICE, in three cycles of 10-15 minutes each, two days after a start and one day before a start. To loosen things up.
This past Fall was the FIRST TIME in seven years he actually shutdown from throwing for a few weeks.. coaches orders. Although I was worried, it turns out he's come back just fine. He just threw his first Spring scrimmage innings (2) today and did well.
As for weather, Spokane has four distinct seasons so approximately mid-November to mid-Feb (or whenever the temperature is below 43) he would long-toss indoors against a racquetball court wall. (You can rig and indoor net to simulate the same thing.)
One final thought, ladsdad. It is good to hear your son has gathered strength and is especially good to hear about it helping his arm slot. I really believe that it did that for my son, too. But the #1 thing I think it did was enhance is arm speed, important if you want a dominating fastball.
Good luck, all!