Trust me I am no expert in this subject but I will share my opinion. I was just cleaning out a drawer the other day and came across a "Statement of Account" from the bursar’s office during the fall semester of my son’s freshman year. In the “charges column” there is a charge:
tuition- non-resident= $5,844.00 and then in the “credit column” among the credits listed are:
“Baseball Scholarship” --- $3,961,00 and:
“Athletic Scholarship Waivers” --- $1,883.00.
The two combined equal the non-resident tuition charges.
While I tend to think the waivers in your son’s case are “academic” since they are based on his GPA, I also think waivers are more or less moot because as the name implies they are waived expenses and not incurred expenses. I might add that certain expenses never showed up on the Bursar’s statement and were paid differently. For instance books were just picked up at the depository and returned after the class ended. Room and board were paid by check directly to the player. The only written record I ever received on some covered expenses came to me on a IRS 1099 (or some type of income statement). Let me say too that none of the payments, credits, or waivers were based on my son’s academic prowess.
It sounds as if your son will get non-residency charges waived, baseball money and depending on his academic strength, might be able to get some academic scholarship. (That would be nice - Congratulations!)