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We have recieved a couple of questionaires. the qustion I have is do you give summer ball stats or high school ball stats. Should I just call the coach and ask which they prefer. I have neither readily available and coaches are out of town.
Thanks. I am sure this has been covered brfore, but can't really remember the response.
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What is far more important than the questionnaire is a personal letter (one page maximum) to the coach by his name (not "Dear Coach") that is included with the questionnaire. In the letter you can discuss summer and fall ball teams, provide additional references, academic highlights, etc. It attaches a "personality" to the questionnaire. Many schools mass mail questionnaires off of rosters they may receive and oftentimes the questionnaires are opened by the baseball secretary and just filed. Make the letter personal and always thank the coach for sending the questionnaire and expressing his interest. For some coaches, this personal touch means a lot and it only takes a few strokes of the keyboard to personalize each letter. You may also want to include a one page profile. If you are interested in profile formats that work, send me a PM and I'll give you some ideas.
I find the value of stats an ongoing subject of many...they matter, and then they don't matter...and of course it all has to do with who is keeping them and how good they are at knowing how to really document such...

Last year when my son filled out those questionaires he supplied his summer stats with a phone number to his summer coach attached.

He did give his high school coach's number, too for information purposes.

When it came down to it - most wanted to see him on the field...

be prompt in returning them and I think that a personal note is always nice...take a little time to put that coaches name on can't hurt...

(son would note in proper spaces that high school stats were not available)
Give both....Create a resume on one sheet with a photo of your ballplayer.

Jr got his 1st questionaire during his freshman year. Prior to the offical listing of Varsity players.

This will freak you out....some coaches (pro and college) stated that they were watching when he was 12. So the old wives tale "play hard, cause you never know who's watching" is true.

Birddogs are everywhere, getting a name is easy.

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