As a result of attending camps, showcases, etc., my son, a sophomore, has received several letters from colleges. They are all the typical camp brochure and questionairre. Other posts suggest completing the questionairre promptly, which seems the only courteous thing to do and shows interst on his part. However, the completion of the questionairre has him and me confused and so I am asking for advice.
First, he is yet to play a varsity season but will be doing so this year. Should he wait until after this season or complete the questionairre using last year's JV stats? If he does that, should he indicate they are from JV?
Secondly, there is a section for his coach to fill out ranking various skills and asking for comments. His former JV coach scoffs at the idea of filling out questionairres so early and the varsity coach has only seen him play sparingly thus far. His showcase coach from last summer took a job and is no longer available to help. How should that section of the questionairre be handled? Should he leave it blank and if so should he explain the situation in his cover letter? Should he wait until after this season?
Sorry so long. Plese help. He is early in the process and at least I am already pulling my hair out.
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