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My son just received his first college letter / questionnaire in the mail. After checking the archives of HSBBW, it mentions that the first letters can be sent out after September of their Junior year. While my son is only a sophomore, our intention is to fill out the questionnaire as requested however we weren't sure if this is common practice now, (mailing questionnaires to sophomores) or if the school shouldn’t have sent the letter at this time.

Also is it appropriate to attach a short letter thanking them for their interest and copy of his upcoming High School and travel team schedules to accompany the questionnaire?

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I thought sure those Websters that are actively involved in the questionnaire/letter writing process would respond by now. Since they haven’t, I’ll throw my two cents in just to keep this very important topic on the board. My son did receive some premature questionnaires and if I remember right, we did fill out and return those to schools he was interested in. Colleges are allowed to send some information earlier than the date you indicated but I’m not sure of the rule governing this activity. Rest easy because the rules governing the mailing of information are placed on the college and not the student/athlete so I wouldn’t worry about any violations. And secondly I don’t think there is a defined protocol here. Personally I think it’s a great idea to respond with a short thank you note and his high school schedule if indeed this is a school your son wants to target. But if you’re just wanting to keep this “option” open, I think I would just fill out the questionnaire and return it.
I might suggest that since this is his first questionnaire, you might want to start a filing system that allows you to manage the administrative side of recruiting. ------ Oh, I almost forgot the most important part of my post---- Congratulations to your son!
Enjoy the ride.
I realize the VERY talented players are going to be contacted a lot, both by quantity of schools and frequency of those contacts(within the rules, of course).

But let's assume a player does not fit that description and they receive a questionnaire.

Would it be safe to assume that if the questionnaire is NOT returned by the player, that the coach will assume that player has no interest in their school and therefore "cross him off" his recruiting list?

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