Congrats on your camp performance; sounds like you had a strong showing. To answer your question about what coaches are looking at, I think most of them start with the eye-test. Coaches know ballplayers when they see them (at least the good ones do, and even the others think they do). If they like what you look like on the diamond, then they start looking at your numbers, and paying attention to ABs. The eye-test is very subjective, but it can include size, strength, speed, athleticism, swing, posture, style, grace, how the ball comes out of your hand, etc.
If you caught the attention of any of the coaches at the camp, they will probably be contacting you via e-mail. My experience has been that not many players will get this kind of follow-up from a camp, so don't be discouraged if your Inbox isn't overflowing with offers yet.
I would encourage you to send e-mails to (or call) the schools who attended the camp. If you're able to get some feedback, ask them if they saw you and what level of college ball they think you can play. That could be the most important thing that you learn from the camp. They might tell you that you're a lower level than you think you are. Try to accept that assessment and learn from it.
I see from another post that you graduate in 2015. This summer will be your most important recruiting period. Put your focus on the schools that are looking for players at your level. Try to get in front of the right schools (baseball and academics), and don't be afraid to ask them to come scout you.
Best of luck, and keep us posted.