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Originally posted by Mains3:
Tryouts next week, I have been trainging for the last 8-10 weeks but should i run for this week.

Will running help me out for tryouts?

Why wouldn’t you want to continue running? You might want to cut back a little to make sure you’re fresh, but I don’t understand why you’d want to stop running entirely.

Whether or not running will help you for tryouts depends on a lot of things. If you’re talking about running a 10K every day, I’d say it would prolly hurt you. But, running some laps, some sprints, and jogging should be beneficial to some degree.

I don’t know where Westford is, but aren’t tryouts in the 3rd week of March a bit late? Maybe I’m spoiled living in the sun belt, but it sure seems like your teams are gonna be hard pressed to get in the 25-30 games before the end of school.

I see your goal is to make the V squad as a 15YO Frosh. That’s a great, but extremely lofty goal. Good luck.
I know your nervous and wound up tight. But you must relax and have some FUN.
If you go to tryout's all tense and worried you wont give your best.

The most important thing is to have FUN, everything else will take care of itself.
Like I said before, Show know emotions one way are another.
Hustle on and off the field first one at practice last one off the field.
Be there listening to the Coach, Not Talking. Listening.
And do what he tell's you to do always.
Run out every play, every hit.
You will be just fine.

Remember have FUN

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