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Wow, don't know what you experienced that caused such a distaste for the program but there are plenty of kids getting inspiration from the video, including a college pitcher from Pennsylvania with aspirations of doing more with his life than just talking the talk.....and his dad is blue collar. TCU is a program, not an individual and as such there may be a few classless among them but you can't toss them all in that basket. My son is in another program a long way from TCU but he called me and told me to watch that clip because he thought it was worthy. You don't get that everyday so I am thankful. I'm sorry about your experience.
Nice video, total BS though. I had the unfortunate displeasure of having to sit though a few of their games last year. Blue collar is right. The players were classless, the fans had even less class.

That video is a nice bunch of truths that TCU does not put into practice in their daily lives...

What would you in Orange County, CA know about what TCU does and doesn't put into practice in their daily lives? As a start, there are about a quarter of a million CWS fans in Omaha who had almost two weeks of experience with them who would disagree with you.
Last edited by Tx-Husker
What would you in Orange County, CA know about

First of all, I am the daughter of a Marine veteran, a blue collar worker & a self employed person. I am as American as it gets and blue collar... I know heartland, I am from it.... And, very proud of it.

They were awful, the players, the fans and I watched their coaching staff enjoy how classless they were.

In life you get one chance to make a first impression. They made theirs over 2 three game series. They were horrible. Vulgar, vulgar, vulgar and vulgar, mean, disrespectable and arrogant.

(of course they were winning last year... probably a lot nicer this year.)

When some one tells me who they are I say "that is nice", when someone SHOWS me who they are I believe them... The very first time they SHOW me.

And, if you are going to put out a self promoting video in that nature you better make sure you are what you say you are.

IMO, that is not what they showed me.
Last edited by playfair
You had a unique, bad experience with them. Fine, that's your one experience with that and you're entitled to it. That was simply my was your one experience. Sounds like they must have had a lot more baseball fans traveling to watch those games than most schools do.

I simply offer up another experience in the CWS...from as blue collar, heartland as it gets...Omaha. They went there as a total unknown last year and quickly won the hearts of over a quarter of a million in attendance there becoming the fan favorite. They won that fan favorite position, from neutral fans, due to their hardwork, play, heart and approach...exactly what that video talks about.

You can't please everyone, now I know who the everyone is. But don't pretend you know the players, fans of students of TCU because of a weekend series where your team was on the short end of the stick.
I'm glad that folks can find inspiration in this. THere is no question there is a lot of talent on this team by what they accomplished last year.

For me, "quiet confidence" is not creating a marketing video and posting it on the internet. Quiet confidence to me is getting a difficult job done without fanfare, hoopla, or calling attention to oneself or program. Quiet confidence is.....well, QUIET. Sorry, I'm not buying it.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Originally posted by playfair:
Nice video, total BS though. I had the unfortunate displeasure of having to sit though a few of their games last year. Blue collar is right. The players were classless, the fans had even less class.

That video is a nice bunch of truths that TCU does not put into practice in their daily lives... just a nice video.

Wow. As someone who's sat through literally hundreds of TCU games, I have never once heard the program called classless. Not saying it hasn't been said before, just that I've never been around to hear it.

As an alumnus of the school I've have always been very proud of the way all of our programs conduct themselves. Not that there aren't hiccups, but overall I'm very proud to be affiliated with such an institution, academically and athletically.

Sorry you had a bad experience. If you make it back let me know and I'll buy you a beer and change your mind. Promise.
Last edited by ironhorse
Loved the cool was that! Sign me up!

The disconnect of course being that baseball does not always lend itself to such a quiet path. College ball is most often noisy, loud, highly competitive, and wildly/brutally partisan...on and off the field.

In my mind TCU is no better and no worse than a bunch of other schools whose players and fans bring high energy, high expectations, high energy and a desire to fight tooth and nail to the last ball.

I have seen TCU play numerous times against different opponents and while I have a ton of respect for Schloss, his ability to build high calibre programs, to recruit highly competitive athletes, their ability to compete well at the highest level, their work ethic...they are a huge handful for opponents on a wide range of levels...and quiet confidence is not exactly the term that I would use to describe the experience they bring...or for that matter a skill that is cultivated and valued in college baseball.

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44

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