Does anyone know if it makes a difference whether a pitcher is gunned from behind the plate or behind the pitcher? Will the readings be the same? Just curious.
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Originally posted by Bum:
and 2) Who cares how fast a 13 y.o. throws anyway.
I wholeheartedly agree!
As you get into the h.s. years, you will know who the harder throwers are. Dadsand coachesstart showing up with Jugs guns and you spy.
99.9% Dads than coaches. HS Coaches may at the beginning of season then that's it.
In fact, it's probably a good idea you don't (in h.s.) because everyone will think you're a little obsessed (which you are, you just don't want to show it)!
Ain't that the truth! And the other side of the spectrum are the Dads who SAY their son throws 87-88 easily but has never gunned him! LOL.