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Baltimore Orioles first baseman Rafael Palmeiro will be suspended by Major League Baseball for violating the league's steroids policy, ESPN The Magazine's Buster Olney has confirmed with a league source.

Didn't he look Congress in the eye and swear up and down "not" to have done them? Gives alot more reason to beleive what Canseco has said to be true.
Real "MVP's" play defense!
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Yes there are some pro-hormones(Superdrol for example) that are not yet added to the FDA/Government list that are still available. They are of the designer type of supplement that converts to(or at least close to) the real deal in the liver. Not sure if they are against MLB policy, but what Pro player in their right mind would chance it with all that is going on against it?
Raffy has had a great career and now this, does he still deserve the Hall Induction down the road. He may be the first Player in a position to enter the HOF that has this to be questioned.
Unless Bonds retires this year.
sorry Raffy should not be in the hall of fame, he went on national TV and flat out lied. His numbers are inflated by steriods.

And you cant have steriods in your body and not know it. The benefits and side effects are very noticable to everyone around you.

IF bud had any guts he would suspend him for the rest of the year, he commited perjury
Maybe he told the truth to Congress. Maybe he started using after he testified. biglaugh

Appearing with Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and other baseball stars before a congressional committee on March 17, Palmeiro made an opening statement in which he said: "Let me start by telling you this: I have never used steroids. Period. I don't know how to say it any more clearly than that. Never."

Oh, thats a good one. I made myself laugh.
Last edited by Dad04

Baseball has trouble dealing with the truth that without the enhancers (roids) most players are pretty ordinary. There are very few truly great players like those that came up in the 40's, 50's and 60's. To few to fill the rosters of so many MLB teams.

As baseball expanded the number of teams into more cities the pool of talent could not keep up with the demand for high level players like the Mays, Mantle's, Slaughter, Williams, Musial's, etal. Now there are only a few of that caliber and most of them seem to have achieved there fame through false means.

Baseball needs to clean up it's act, deal with the reality of the fact that the percentage of players that can perform at the current scouts rating system is unrealistic for the number of slots that are truly available per capita for the number of teams to fill those slots.

In other words, you can't "make" yourself into a Mays or a Mantle with drugs. The God given talent has to be there. Because baseball has unrealistic expectations and are only looking for the "Mays and Mantle" types, in conjunction with the enormous $$$$ payoffs it forces those in the game to cheat to fulfill those unrealistic expectations.

I know what I'm saying is contoversial but think about what is the driving and motivating reasons for all of this cheating that is going on. Conseco is not the reason players are in trouble in is the unrealistic level of expectations that every player has to perform at the level of a Mays or a Mantle to be acceptable to the MLB. That's what's got the game in trouble.
Last edited by Ramrod
Folks not for nothing, and I am not judging Rafael one way or the other, but some steroids used for medicinal purposes and they are legal, stay in your system for many months subsequent to use--- I know that there have been times when I have been on steroids for Arhtritis and infections, all legal drugs, that I could not have passed the test-- I go in a few weeks from now for another eye lens insertion and part of the aftercare is taking steroids for a certain period of time during the healing process, at least for me.

Again not condoning or protecting anyone but don't jump on it too rapidly until you know all the facts, if you ever will
TR I will repeat my post from the other thread. If Raffy is really concerned with his reputation and place in the game he will come forward and tell us what the banned substance was he tested positive for. If it was an over the counter substance that is banned that he mistakenly took that is one thing. If he does not come forward and tell us then we have to believe that he used some type of banned illegal substance ie steroids.
Agreed with jumping to conclusions here, but MLB is looking for Anabolics(muscle growth) and not corticoid(healing) steroids. The amount of Free Testosterone in your system will be highly elevated while doing Anabolics were as it may actually end up being lower than normal while on corticoid's. Most people who try to gain weight, muscle or atheletic performance try and avoid Cortisol, so I doubt Raffy was on a "Dr Prescribed Medication"
I don't know if Raffy have used steroids. Looking his body, he doesn't look as big as Bonds or Mcguirre, what I am sure is that his sweet swing nonbody can buy it at any GNC store.
If he used the ilegal sustances, he needs to pay for it, MLB have already penalties for every case, but Raffy will be one of the best hitters in the game anyways. If you believe that steroids can make anybody hit a baseball pitched over 90 miles per hour, you are wrong.
Last edited by Racab
TR, the steroids you took/will be taking are different from anabolic steroids. That's why you won't look like Barry Bonds after you take your eyedrops. tater

Maybe, unwittingly, Palmiero could be forced to tell the truth now. BeenThere or any other lawyer types on this board may be able to shed some light on it, but it would seem to me that since he testified under oath, and now seems to have "fudged" just a bit, that he could be facing jail time for perjury. He may have to cut a deal, and spill the beans on performance enhancing drugs and the guys who use them in order to dodge jail time.

Congress has been threatening MLB for a while now, and I'm sure that our "honest" Congressmen will all have a problem with being lied to. Especially if it distracts heat from them. Wink

Bud Selig probably has a bad case of indigestion right about now, and Barry Bonds will probably have another "setback" in his recovery.

Let the games begin. duel

"I don't know if Raffy have used steroids. Looking his body, he doesn't look as big as Bonds or Mcguirre, what I am sure is that his sweet swing nonbody can buy it at any GMC store.
If he used the ilegal sustances, he needs to pay for it, MLB have already penalties for every case, but Raffy will be one of the best hitters in the game anyways. If you believe that steroids can make anybody hit a baseball pitched over 90 miles per hour, you are wrong."

Then why did he take them and risk the suspension and embarrassment if he wasn't trying to
gain some sort of advantage? They aren't sunflower seeds or snuff-something to pass the time

Why do we always try to make excuses for unethical behavior.

Fact: MLB suspended Palmeiro for 10 games. One of the nicest players in the game today. Very
disheartening to me. A player of his stature should know what he's putting into his body at all times. For the money he's making he can hire a personal trainer to check everything out and be his personal "food tester".

I don't think MLB would have suspended him unless they had tried every way NOT to.
Racab, I agree to an extent. I've always admired Palmeiro's swing, it seems so effortless. He's like Garret Anderson, the ball just seems to jump off his bat.

Physique wise, he seems like an unlikely choice to be guilty of this. That's what worries me. How many other players are doing illegal supplements and getting away with it? MLB's testing program is full of holes. Inventors are trying to invent a better mousetrap, and chemists are trying to develop better undetectable supplements and masking agents.

There's 3 possible explainations I can come up with.
1. He's innocent, something he bought over the counter has illegal stuff in it. Easy to prove... bring the stuff to a press conference, have MLB get it tested, case closed.

2. He's guilty, he thought that he was bigger than the game, and could get away with it, either by using a designer drug or a masking agent.

3. He's stupid. Forgetting that he testified before Congress, he decides to use the Barry Bonds defense that he was taking some unknown substance that somebody gave him. Hey, if Barry expects you to believe that some BenGay type of "clear" and "cream" for body aches could make him gain 50+ lbs. of muscle then it ought to work for Raffy.

Hopefully, the correct answer is 1 or 2. I would hope that he's not stupid enough to try #3. I do agree that steroids alone won't make you hit a 90mph fastball. However, if you are blessed with the eyesight, the coordination, and the handspeed to hit a 90mph ball, then the extra batspeed you get from the extra strength should equate to extra distance on a flyball, giving more HR's, and the extra power could buy you some more basehits, giving a higher average, and putting you closer to the 3,000 hit mark.

He's one of my favorite players, but I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.
No surprise at all. Now you have a majority of the top power hitters of past 20 years implicated/admitted/caught/still lying.
McGwire - yes
Giambi - yes
Bonds - yes
Canseco - yes
Palmiero - yes
Sosa - Body shrinkage and inability to get around on upper 80's fastballs is staggering.
Asterisks should surround & underline this whole era from a hitting standpoint.
Frank Thomas looks better and better all the time, he should walk into the "clean" side of the hall of fame.
I know of some of the steroids of which you speak. They kept my now 15-year-old alive when he contracted a serious case of RSV a week after he was born. It was an experiemental treatment then.

As far as Palmeiro is concerned, tell all or tell none. He said it was something in an unprescribed supplement. Tell us what is was, who makes it and where he got it.

If he's going to go public, really go public. Otherwise, he's a phony. An amazingly talented phony, but a phony just the same.
From what I'm seems an arbitrator has already ruled on the suspension.....meaning Palmeiro was caught a while ago....and he has had a hearing....with representation....and he could have presented any mitigating facts....but whatever story he told the arbitrator didn't fly.... he was still suspended......

I dont look for targets--as I have said before if people would use "real profiles" we wouldn't have this discussion-- If I wear my heart on my sleeve and others dont that is their thing and if they take pot shot afters posts they are fair game to all

Dibble (drivel) aint even on your page-- you are more on the ball than he is

Do you have a problem being questioned when your profile is BLAH--list your forte sir and we dont have a problem

BY the way what do you do intensive care"? Are you a doctor?" If i knew what you were into I would have no reason to post as I did--BTW --i look at each posters profile before I respond

I do not post blindly--you can tell me privately if you wish or not

Have a good one
Originally posted by arizonared:
From what I'm seems an arbitrator has already ruled on the suspension.....meaning Palmeiro was caught a while ago....

Yes I beleive he was caught a while back and this was kept Hush Hush until after the Cooperstown Induction ceremonies to keep the Focus on those going into the Hall..rumour has it.
TR, my profile is now filled out. I didn't know it was there. noidea

Looks like Raffy chose option #3. I was hoping that he'd say what he was taking, but it looks like he'll use the "ignorance is bliss" defense.

It was interesting that he was caught a while back,(maybe April) and it was kept hush-hush until after hit #3,000 and the HOF ceremony. I wonder if Sandburg knew, based on his remarks? I'm certainly no Barry Bonds apologist, but I strongly suspect that if he tested positive, the news would have "leaked" out before he got his zipper up. laugh laugh

Sosa is starting to look like the 98 lb. weakling that gets sand kicked in his face at the beach, Bret Boone looks smaller (and just got released by the Twins), and Barry says that he probably won't be back this year. It looks like the testing is having an effect, but they need to keep turning on the light to scatter the roaches. Who's next?

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