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Great baseball Relationships ( now this is upbeat !)

01--I think back to my LL and Legion Coach John Gentile, God rest his soul--not only was he a great teacher of the game in my youth but 40 years later he drove up to see and evaluate my son as a senior in HS. One of the greatest men both off and on the field that I have ever met. He played with Jackie Robinson on the Dodgers minor league teams---talk about stories in the dugout

02--I recall the morning I got a phone call from a NY HS AD regarding one of his students---he was talking about "IT'S" son who was a freshman in HS at that time---The AD , who had been my sons AD at another HS, told me I had to have this kid on my team---he was a clone of my son---all fire and brimstone--spit and dirty uniforms every game---thus was born the relationship with a great young man whom I term my "Adopted Son" and we all know how "D" is doing right now---he has adjusted to "AA" baseball and hitting like never before and hit the 70 stolen base mark the other nite.

03-- The highly positive aspect of this baseball thing is the when the kids you coached come back to you---we have continually have our ex-players returning to coach with us after thie college and/or pro days ---additionally many call us to ask permission to use them as references for jobs after they graduate from college

04-- Another great aspect is all the fine coaches we meet in our travels---they more than offset the bummers you run into--we truly have made some great baseball relationships in our travels--folks there are a lot great coaches/men out there if you look hard enough

05-- the great young men we have met at the college level--the assistant coaches as well as the head coaches---ran into one two weekends ago who had been at Asst Coach at NMSU when my son was a frosh back in the mid 90's---he is now a Division I Head Coach--first words out of his mouth were " how is your son doing?"---nice to see they remember after all these years

great stuff is baseball

06-- Last but not least are the Great Parents that we have been involved with and are still involved with---we have the younger brothers of the original relationship now playing with us-- we have players with us whom parents from previous teams have sent us---this all tells me something-- we are doing something right
Original Post
Good Stuff! This is a conversation we have a lot in our home, and in our travels from tournament to tournament.

I can still picture my Kiwana's League Coach Don Rollo, and the HS JV Coach who took a chance on a young, soft-throwing southpaw. I think of all the great life lessons I learned while playing a game.

Southpaw_son and I speak all the time about the great people he is meeting, and experiences he is enjoying. He has had the pleasure of playing for some princes among men ... who also happen to know a lot about baseball. He has played with some terrific teammates, who we expect (and hope) to see play on TV someday.

As in all other aspects of life, you meet all kinds; we are just thankful for the many terrific people we have encountered along the road my son is traveling. Thankfully, each year that list is getting longer.

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